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  • [星座英语] 十二星座性格特征—天秤座

    Libra 天秤座 (9月24日~10月23日)Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is more extroverted and active.天秤座是风相星座。其特性比较外向和主动。TIPS: Your great need to share; to be fair an

    2012-10-23 编辑:Mike

  • [星座英语] 十二星座性格特征—天蝎座

    Scorpio天蝎座 (10月24日~11月22日)Scorpio is a Water element, and this makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign.水相星座的特质使蝎子有些神秘。TIPS: Study would never be a problem for Scorpio. You just need

    2012-10-23 编辑:Mike

  • [星座英语] 单身的你快乐吗,十二星座分析

    We’re bombarded every day by magazines and websites advising us howto find our soul mate. But how honest are&n

    2012-10-23 编辑:ivy

  • [星座英语] 十二星座性格特征—射手座

    Sagittarius射手座 (11月23日~12月21日)Sagittarius is Fire energy. This is a very active, extroverted sign.射手座是火相星座。射手非常主动、外向。TIPS: You definite

    2012-10-22 编辑:Mike

  • [星座英语] 十二星座性格特征—摩羯座

    Capricorn 摩羯座 (12月22日~1月20日)Capricorn is the leader of the Earth signs. Here is a stabilizing force, one of the hardest-working signs of the Zodiac.魔羯座是土相星座的领头人。是黄道12宫里最稳定

    2012-10-22 编辑:Mike

  • [星座英语] 十二星座性格特征—水瓶座

    Aquarius 水瓶座 (1月21日~2月19日)Ruled by shocking Uranus, Aquarius is very much epitomes the planet that inspires it. This sign has astonishing intellectual and communication skill.受天王星控制的水瓶

    2012-10-19 编辑:Mike

  • [星座英语] 十二星座性格特征—双鱼座

    Pisces 双鱼座 (2月20日~3月20日)Pisces is a Water element. Ruled by mystical Neptune, This sign is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed.双鱼座是水相星座。受神秘的海王星所控制。双鱼非

    2012-10-19 编辑:Mike

  • [星座英语] 十二星座饮食习惯盘点—白羊座

    RIES (Mar. 21- April 20)Always on the go and ready to rush off to the next big thing, the Ram will most likely grab some fast food en route. When dining in a restaurant, try a variety of appetizers,

    2012-10-18 编辑:Mike

  • [星座英语] 十二星座饮食习惯盘点—金牛座

    TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21)The Epicurean Bull will most likely be found savoring succulent three-course meals at posh five-star restaurants. Surely dessert will be one of the three courses -- or will i

    2012-10-18 编辑:Mike

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