[关注社会] 天价鸡缸杯将现身苏富比春拍
鸡缸杯不足一掌大小,烧制于明代成化时期(公元1465至1487年),因其杯壁上画有公鸡母鸡,故称鸡缸杯。现存于世的鸡缸杯只有19只,其中四只在私人藏家手中,其余均被博物馆收藏。2014-04-08 编辑:shaun
[健康生活] 纽约推出天价新年大餐 两人1万美元
这家帝国牛排餐厅(Empire Steak House)的店主杰克·辛纳纳吉(Jack Sinanaj)说,“经济正在好转,人们愿意花钱。2014-01-03 编辑:shaun
[美容时尚英语] 告别天价洗面奶 自己制作天然更健康
就像生活中许多用品,洗面奶也是一样,尽可能自己动手做。Plush Folly美容机构化妆品顾问Sally Hornsey向你展示如何制作效果绝佳的葡萄柚洗面奶,非常适合油性皮肤。2013-07-25 编辑:qihui
[体育资讯] 德国小镇甩出天价债条 柏林需赔付历史巨款
The small German town of Mittenwalde could become one of the richest in the world if officials in Berlin were to pay back the long-outstanding debt.柏林官员如果的确要赔付债务的话,那这个名为Mittenwal2012-08-01 编辑:justxrh
[他她话题] 纽约天价停车位将上市 售价高达100万美元
You'll need a trunk full of cash to park here. The city's first million-dollar parking space is on the market.想要在这里停车,你需要带一大箱现金来才行。如今纽约首个百万美元停车位即将出2012-05-23 编辑:Jasmine
[CCTV9] 亿万富翁银行家遗孀珠宝被拍出天价
属于黎巴嫩亿万富翁银行家爱德蒙萨遗孀丽莉萨的珠宝在周一瑞士的义卖活动中被晚上拍出了3790万美元的高价。Jewels belonging to Lily Safra, the billionaire widow of Lebanese banker Edmond Safra, fetched $37.2012-05-22 编辑:mike
[关注社会] 蒙克名作《呐喊》天价成交 创拍卖纪录
Let the art market roar. Norwegian painter Edvard Munch became the most expensive artist at auction Wednesday when his 1895 pastel of a terrified man clutching his cheeks along an Oslo fjord,2012-05-05 编辑:kekenet