[雅思听力辅导] 高效练习雅思听力的训练方法
高效雅思听力训练方法。雅思听力训练可以说是我们中国学生英语学习的最大障碍.我问过很多顺利通过六级考试的本科生,听力部分能真正听懂的实在是寥寥无几.很多人都是根据听懂的只言片语,再利用推理,排除一些的考试策略选择答案的。2014-05-04 编辑:Aimee
[他她话题] 做个学霸:高效自学外语的六大诀窍
可别搞错了,兴趣是成功学成某件事的根本要素!你不想学的东西当然学不会。在学习过程中保持热情至关重要。所以如果你对某件事有些2013-11-22 编辑:shaun
[快乐职场] 无菌的办公环境 心情舒畅工作高效(视频+文本)
你的工作场所应该是创意和效率的温床,而不应该容忍细菌滋生。每天固定一个时间用消毒剂清洁办公场所。2013-11-20 编辑:qihui
[六级阅读训练] 2013年12月英语六级阅读理解高效训练(20)
Acting is such an over-crowded profession that the only advice that should be given to a young person thinking of going on the stage is "Don't!".2013-10-10 编辑:Aimee
[六级阅读训练] 2013年12月英语六级阅读理解高效训练(19)
Many workers who worked in the World Trade Center after the September eleventh attacks became sick.2013-10-09 编辑:Aimee
[六级阅读训练] 2013年12月英语六级阅读理解高效训练(18)
As Toyota and Hummer have learned, growing too fast can be a dangerous thing.2013-10-08 编辑:Aimee
[六级阅读训练] 2013年12月英语六级阅读理解高效训练(17)
In recent decades, there is a phenomenon which makes us give some attention; the so-called Southeast Asian "tigers" have rivaled the western "lions" for stock cliches that make econo..2013-09-30 编辑:Aimee
[六级阅读训练] 2013年12月英语六级阅读理解高效训练(16)
There he was America's first President with a MBA, the man who loves to boast about his business background, whose presidential campaign raised unprecedented sums from corporate wallets and whos..2013-09-29 编辑:Aimee
[六级阅读训练] 2013年12月英语六级阅读理解高效训练(15)
Addison Heard uses an image of his wife and infant son for the background on his laptop.2013-09-26 编辑:Aimee
[六级阅读训练] 2013年12月英语六级阅读理解高效训练(14)
In the Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society, Revised and Enlarged Edition (W.W. Norton) Schlesinger provides deep insights into the crises of nationhood in America.2013-09-25 编辑:Aimee