[创意生活] 汽车内弥漫香烟味 白醋还你清新空气
Cigarette smoke is not only harmful, it can leave bad odors lingering for weeks. If you want to kill the&2012-10-10 编辑:qihui
[关注社会] 日本在华汽车停产减产,自食“购岛”恶果
Japanese automakers, including Toyota and Nissan, are cutting back production in China following anti-Japan protests that&nbs2012-09-27 编辑:spring
[关注社会] 面世待售:世界第一辆可飞行的汽车
World’s First Flying Car on the Market to Debut at New York Auto Show.世界上第一辆可飞行汽车于纽约国际车展亮相上市。The reality of a flyin2012-09-26 编辑:Amosway
[托福写作范文] 2012年托福备考范文:Cars and Airplanes 汽车还是飞机?
Essay by 谢振礼老师 Jeenn Lee HsiehTWE Topic>真题还原Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why it has changed people's lives? Automobiles? Bicycles? Airplanes2012-09-18 编辑:mike
[地道美语听力播客(慢速)] 地道美语听力播客:买二手车
Mario: Do you want to go with me to test drive a car I'm thinking of buying?马里奥:你能陪我去试开我想好要买的汽车吗?Danica: Sure. Which dealership are we going to?丹妮卡:当然。我们要在哪家2012-09-17 编辑:melody
[时事新闻] 领土争端冲击日本在华汽车销售
Some Japanese auto makers bucked an otherwise positive August for auto sales in China, and an industry group executive cited the potential ripple effects from a territorial dispute over islands in th2012-09-11 编辑:justxrh
[他她话题] 通用汽车能为上汽集团提供多少助力(上)?
The next generations of General Motors Co.'s GM +3.19% Cadillacs will have softer corners, dashboards with more gadgetry and plusher rear seats. The U.S. auto maker is tweaking the iconic Ame2012-08-23 编辑:justxrh
[《沃顿的学问》沃顿商学院] 沃顿商学院课程《沃顿的学问》第7课:走下坡路,是美国汽车制造商暗战?
沃顿商学院课程《沃顿的学问》第7课:走下坡路,是美国汽车制造商暗战?课程介绍宾夕法尼亚沃顿商学院商业分析的网络课程。在全球超过100w人正在注册使用该课件。学院介绍美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院位于费城,是世界2012-08-19 编辑:kekenet
[背诵为王第四册] 背诵为王第四册 Unit13 科技带来的变化
Lesson13 Changes of Life Caused by Computers and Automobiles计算机和汽车带来的生活变化The computer and the automobile, the mainstays of modern life, share similar pasts. The computer, which has only2012-07-31 编辑:Amosway
[科技动态] 科技动态:通用将开启全屏开车时代?
Its today's TechBytes, General Motors is looking to make driving safer and easier. The auto maker is developing technology that turns the entire windshield into a display to assist drivers in2012-07-24 编辑:Jasmine