[2012年10月CRInews] CRI News Report:香港排除新型冠状病毒疑似案例 世界首条高寒高铁试运行
Health authorities in Hong Kong say the suspected case of Novel Coronavirus is, in fact, simply a case of 2012-10-09 编辑:Aimee
[英孚口语] 步步为赢"英孚"口语教室高级第23课:幸存的"富贵病"病毒
点击此处免费订阅此课程Surviving the "Affluenza" Virus幸存的“富贵病”病毒By the end of this lesson, you will be able to give a coll2012-09-28 编辑:rainbow
[时事新闻] 中东出现非典样病毒 至少一人死亡
Global health authorities are hunting for cases of a mysterious respiratory illness that killed at least one person in Saudi Arabia and left another who traveled there in intensive care in a London h2012-09-26 编辑:justxrh
[明星访谈录] 访谈录:如何预防西尼罗河病毒
中英文本西尼罗河病毒在美国爆发造成至少41人死亡,一千余人感染,且没有针对西尼罗河病毒的有效治疗方法。不过如何有效预防该病毒呢?威廉博士将为大家远离西尼罗河病毒提出宝贵建议,将病毒扼杀在摇篮里!So West Nile virus is transmitted to us to hu2012-09-24 编辑:mike
[科学美国人60秒健康系列] 科学美国人60秒:专家就西尼罗河病毒感染提出建议
osquitoes are an unpleasant fact of summer. But 2012 has been especially bad for running into these irritating&nb..2012-09-17 编辑:melody
[健康] VOA视频:艾滋病毒或致痴呆!
Researchers Say HIV Attacks the Brain and Causes DementiaPublished July 25, 2012Researchers say they have found the cause of dementia and depression-like symptoms that afflict more than fifty percent2012-07-26 编辑:Jasmine
[科技动态] 科技动态:人类传播电脑病毒?
Well, you've probably been there, stomach viruses, nasty head colds, but how would you feel if you came down with a computer virus?你可能被传染过胃病,头疼脑热,但如果电脑被你传染了,你会怎么2012-06-20 编辑:Jasmine
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:病毒基因已经变得非常廉价
Microbiologist Paul Keim at the ScienceWriters2011 conference in Flagstaff on October 16 explained that sequencing a pathogen's genome has dropped in 10 years from $500,000 to as low as $10.2012-05-22 编辑:richard
[科技资讯] 教你简单方法 预防电脑病毒
You've probably been sick before. It's not fun.In many cases, like the flu, you're sick because of a virus…tiny germs ready to multiply and spread from person-to-person, via handshakes o2012-03-15 编辑:jasmine
[医学视频课程] 病毒学视频教学第24讲:West Nile story
亲爱的网友朋友们,热爱医学并从事医学方面的朋友们,在这里为大家提供一系列有关医学方面的视频,希望对大家的学习与工作有所帮助!2012-03-05 编辑:Richard