

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 超市 的文章共有:24
  • [新闻热词] 新词学习:超市门口的"摇摇乐"英语怎么说?

    不少超市和商场门口都摆有两三个供小朋友玩耍的“摇摇乐”,这样父母在购物时,小朋友也有地方可以娱乐,有点像一些商场提供的“丈夫休息区”。这样的“摇摇乐”英文名字为kiddie ride。A kiddie ride is a coin-op

    2012-08-29 编辑:justxrh

  • [舌尖上的美国] 舌尖上的美国(34):超市购物(中)

    上期节目中Nic为大家准备一大段对话,目的是为了让大家熟悉一下超市口语的气氛,这期节目中Nic将为大家好好总结总结!首先作为顾客来说,去到超市应该明确自己要买什么以及在哪里买。1.We need to buy some beer to

    2012-08-25 编辑:Nic

  • [时事新闻] 西班牙市长成罗宾汉 带头抢超市劫富济贫

    A left-wing mayor of a small town in Andalusia has become a modern-day Robin Hood, organizing robbing raids on local supermarkets to feed the poor of his community.安达卢西亚地区一个小镇的左翼市长成了

    2012-08-15 编辑:justxrh

  • [小学四年级] 小学英语作文:下九路超市 Shopping in Xia Jiu Road

    Saturday,March 4th SunnyWhat a beautiful day! The sky is blue and the clouds are white. Said my mother. Yes. Let’s go to Xia Jiu Road. Said my father. I was really happy and I jumped very high

    2012-07-19 编辑:Wendy

  • [新闻热词] 新词:超市网络化变身 Dark Store

    在网购盛行的今天,越来越多的商家都希望能够参与其中,分得一杯羹。据说,国外一些大超市都开始在各地开设专为网购顾客配货的分店。这些分店不对外开放,英文叫做dark store。The dark stores, which are laid out

    2012-07-10 编辑:justxrh

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第1期:超市的数字把戏

    The Supermarket Numbers GameHave you ever gone to the store just for milk, but walked out with eight sale-priced cans of something you’d never tasted and eight candy bars? How does that happen?Dr. B

    2012-05-25 编辑:rainbow

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