[关注社会] 孩子圣诞节心愿单:"老爸"排名第十
调查发现,大多数孩子最想要的圣诞礼物是多个小弟弟或小妹妹,其次是真正的驯鹿。老爸也是最受欢迎的礼物之一。2012-12-26 编辑:ivy
[影视动态] CBS台续订《老爸老妈浪漫史》第九季
据Deadline报道,在“马修”杰森•西格尔(Jason Segel)最终签约后,《老爸老妈浪漫史》(How I Met Your Mother)获第九季续订。随着西格尔的签约,其余主演也全部到位,第九季依旧由原班人马主演。2012-12-24 编辑:shaun
[影视动态] 《老爸老妈的浪漫史》第八季大结局?
本季《老爸老妈的浪漫史》可能是全剧终结……也可能不是。也有报道称剧组正在协商拍摄第九季,但希望渺茫。2012-12-12 编辑:shaun
[影视动态] 《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》演员聚首《老爸老妈浪漫史》
薇洛(Willow)和奥兹(Oz)要重聚了,算是啦。 赛斯˙格林(Seth Green)在《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》(Buffy the Vampire Slayer )中扮演艾莉森˙海尼根(Alyson Hannigan)的高中男友(你知道嘛,在她变成女巫前),他将客串演出《老爸老妈浪漫史》(How I Met&n2012-10-30 编辑:lily
[娱乐资讯] 老爸太有才了 将面包车变泳池
Zhou Yuhang, a six-year-old boy who lives in Wenzhou city in Zhejiang Province, has no need to contend with the crowds flocking to public swimming pools after his father converted the back of his van2012-07-21 编辑:justxrh
[冰河世纪3] 影视精讲《冰河世纪3》第1期:万能老爸
原文视听Manny...I made it myself. Our family.曼尼 我做的 咱们的一家Why are I up there?我怎么不在那上面You can be on ours. You fit right in.你可以在我们这里 正好放下Thanks!谢了Of course, it is still2012-05-30 编辑:finn
[心灵鸡汤] 老爸寄语:给青春期女儿的7个建议
My dear daughter: You are a wonderful person and your mother and I think the world of you. It will not be long before you leave home to make your way in the world. Can I please give you some friendly2012-03-16 编辑:jasmine
[情景会话] 爸下厨房烹饪美食
2011-10-26 编辑:rainbow
[情景会话] 老爸下厨房之厨具
2011-10-26 编辑:rainbow