[美容化妆] 美女必读:小心彩妆变成皮肤杀手
也许你真的很中意那款淡粉色唇膏,可能你心爱的那支眼线笔才刚削去一小块,但是,你有没有想过,是时候该考虑新陈代谢了?没有谁想让自己心爱之物变成细菌的滋生地吧?一起来看一看各种化妆品的寿命吧! 彩妆寿命短2011-10-12 编辑:Richard
[美容化妆] 世界上最昂贵的头发护理沙龙
A blow dry at a high-end salon might set you back around 70 pounds. 在英国,拿一个高端的沙龙来说,吹一下头发可能就要花费70英镑。 And even then, only a handful of people would be willing to2011-10-10 编辑:Richard
[美容化妆] 每晚睡足7小时 让你成为"睡美人"
Although the notion of beauty sleep has often been dismissed as a myth, a recent research proves sleep does enhance your appearance. What's more, experts recommend at least seven hours a night..2011-10-08 编辑:Richard
[大千世界] 下面的美丽世界——海洋生物栖息地
It's amazing that the ocean contains 99% of the living space on the planet and yet less than 10% of that space has been explored by humans. Check out the infographic below for some interesting..2011-10-07 编辑:Richard
[美容化妆] 科学家研究发现:骨胶原抗皱面霜其实无效
They claim to hold the hands of time at bay by smoothing wrinkles and plumping up skin. But expensive collagen creams are a waste of money, scientists said today. They say that the collagen molecul2011-10-07 编辑:Richard
[美容化妆] 厨房合理布局可以起到减肥功效
If you're struggling to control your weight, don't blame the food – blame the kitchen. 如果你还在挣扎着控制你的体重,千万不要责怪你所吃得东西,去责怪厨房吧。 A scientific study has found we2011-10-01 编辑:Richard
[美容化妆] 明星减肥餐:吃苦在前享"瘦"在后
女明星身材大多窈窕,她们生来就有如此令人艳羡的骨感身材吗?她们是如何保持身材远离赘肉的呢?今天小编将介绍一些明星的减肥餐,减肥有风险,模仿需谨慎!Master Cleanse 清肠禁食 The Master Cleanse: a terrif2011-09-26 编辑:Richard
[美容化妆] 美容新秘诀 畅饮啤酒能养颜
Drink up: Try some new beer and barley treatments based on the nourishing benefits of barley What usually springs to mind when you think of a pint of beer? Not an incredibly relaxing beauty experien2011-09-15 编辑:Richard
[美容化妆] 让你拥有健康肌肤五个小贴士
Don't have time for intensive skin care? Pamper yourself with the basics. Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices can help delay the natural aging process and prevent many skin problems...2011-09-14 编辑:Richard
[美容化妆] 男性心目中完美女人:棕发蓝眼身材丰满
Ideal woman: Lauren Goodger boasts all three of the top characteristics named by British men as making up their perfect woman. 劳伦·古杰综合了所有完美特质,被真人秀“埃塞克斯是唯一的生活方式”评为2011-09-09 编辑:Richard