[海外文化] 海外文化:英美民俗-吉祥物:马蹄铁
【英文原文】Horseshoes One of the most familiar things that are supposed to be lucky is a horseshoe. There are some people even today who believe that finding a cast-of horseshoe brings good luck, an2009-06-17 编辑:echo
[海外文化] 海外文化:英美民俗-打喷嚏
【英文原文】To one who has just sneezed, people generally say, “God bless you.” In many European countries, sneezing is traditionally associated with death. Americans believe that one is very close2009-06-16 编辑:echo
[海外文化] 海外文化:英美民俗-日常生活中的其他迷信
【英文原文】A person born on Sunday will always have good luck.A pregnant woman must eat the right food, or she will give her child an unwanted birthmark.After person dies, the doors and windows of t2009-06-15 编辑:echo
[海外文化] 海外文化:英美民俗-关于鸟的迷信:信天翁
【英文原文】Albatrosses are easily caught, but captured birds are usually released, because of a superstition commonly held by sailors that killing an albatross brings bad luck. The superstition form2009-06-12 编辑:memeyyr
[海外文化] 海外文化:英美民俗-关于鸟的迷信:猫头鹰
【英文原文】Owl The owl has a weird hooting or screeching call that sounds very ghostly in the silent night. So some people associated it with death. In the Middle Ages some people called the owl "n2009-06-11 编辑:memeyyr
[海外文化] 海外文化:英美民俗-关于鸟的迷信:渡鸦, 喜鹊
英文原文【英文原文】摘要:渡鸦食腐,嗅觉敏锐,很远就能找到腐尸,所以被视为死亡之兆;喜鹊也是不吉利的鸟。有人见到喜鹊,吐三口唾沫以辟邪。Raven Ravens have sharp sense of smell and can locate dead and2009-06-10 编辑:memeyyr
[海外文化] 海外文化:英美民俗-关于鸟的迷信:颧, 燕子, 天鹅
英文原文【英文原文】Stork An old belief is that the stork is a sign of good luck, because it foretells the birth of a child. Parents often explain the mystery of birth to their young children by sayi2009-06-09 编辑:memeyyr
[海外文化] 海外文化:英美民俗-有关婚礼的迷信
英文原文【英文原文】A bride and groom will have bad luck if they see each other on their wedding day before the ceremony.The bride who married on a sunny day would be happy, wealthy and successful.If2009-06-08 编辑:memeyyr
[海外文化] 海外文化:英美民俗-有关月亮的迷信
英文原文【英文原文】摘要:月亮影响人间生活的迷信自古有之。古代哲学家和祭司们说,由于月亮有圆缺,与人的出生、成长、衰老、死亡有关联。Many peoples used to believe that the moon influenced life. Philoso2009-06-05 编辑:memeyyr
[海外文化] 海外文化:英美民俗-鬼魂
英文原文【英文原文】摘要:在古代和中世纪,看见和听见闹鬼的说法十分流行。现代大多数人不信鬼魂之说,但仍对有关鬼魂的故事、小说和电影十分感兴趣,而且不肯夜间走过坟地或废弃的老房子。The ghost is supposed2009-06-04 编辑:memeyyr