[环球之旅] 中国工商银行海外收购步伐谨慎
When Industrial and Commercial Bank of Chinabought Bank of East Asia's US arm last month, the deal demonstrated how the world's biggest bank by market value approaches foreign acquisi2012-06-30 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 美妇女海外人工受孕 宝宝申请美国籍遭拒
Chicago native Ellie Lavi could not have been happier when she gave birth to beautiful twin girls overseas.当美国芝加哥人艾丽•拉维在国外生下漂亮的双胞胎女儿时,她心里别提多高兴了。She found tha2012-06-06 编辑:Sara
[海外文化] 海外文化:各国餐桌礼仪大盘点
对于旅行者而言,餐桌礼仪(table manners)可是必修课。“孤独星球”旅游指南特地为旅行者们盘点了各国的餐桌礼仪,以便他们能更好地“入乡随俗”。Table manners are how to behave when you eat a meal. They incl2012-05-31 编辑:Jasmine
[海外文化] 印度奇趣录 India's Odd Traditions
传统文化是一个国家或民族赖以生存和发展的精神土壤。虽说印度文化中包含的种姓制度、狂热的偶像崇拜和宗教迷信等,与现代文明存在巨大差异和冲突,但却保留着人类最原始、最虔诚的生活态度。India is a country ri2012-03-30 编辑:jasmine
[海外文化] 中国文化博览:哈尼族民俗之牛体彩绘
Patterns and bright colours, it is hardly surprising if these curious-looking painted bulls attract close attention. But the reason behind their colourful hides is actually meant to ward off intruder2012-03-28 编辑:jasmine
[海外文化] 海外文化:圣帕特里克节十大趣闻
St Patrick's Day is being celebrated by Irish communities around the world. Here we list 10 fascinating facts about the celebration of Ireland's patron saint:[qh]圣帕特里克节(St. Patrick'2012-03-19 编辑:jasmine
[海外文化] 文化"大不敬":小心英文雷区
Everyone wants a piece of Jeremy Lin. From Linsanity to Lin-credible then Va-Lin-tine, news headlines have been trying to find wordplays to match the new sensation on the NBA court with his meteoric2012-03-12 编辑:jasmine
[海外文化] 海外文化:国外旅行,如何支付小费?
Hotel workers depend on tips to augment their usually small salaries. Rather than being annoyed at having to tip the doorman who greets you, consider it part of the cost of travel and be prepared wit2012-02-16 编辑:jasmine
[海外文化] 老挝:回归简单的闲适生活 (下)
Here and there is the occasional temple, most memorably the tiny Wat Paa Huak, which has orange walls covered with stunning murals depictingexotica such as white tigers. Looking down on the other tem2012-02-15 编辑:jasmine