[关注社会] 美国人亚洲择邻居 只为孩子学中文
Michael Roemer had never lived abroad before he took a one-year leave of absence from his job as an attorney, rented out his family's Orinda, Calif., house, and moved to Chengdu, a city in we2012-06-28 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 亚洲美元短缺提高人民币地位
A few months ago, Fortescue Metalsplaced a $100m order in China for railway cars to transport iron ore from its Australian mines – except that the order was in renminbi, at the request of the Chines2012-06-27 编辑:justxrh
[娱乐资讯] 全球十大美女城市揭晓 亚洲仅首尔入选
Travelers Digest's Top Ten Cities With The Most Beautiful Woman says Kiev is "without a doubt, home to the world's most beautiful women".《游客文摘》近日评选出全球十大"2012-06-22 编辑:justxrh
[时事新闻] 世界银行:亚洲经济强劲但脚步缓慢
The World Bank says growth in East Asia's developing economies remains strong, but warns they need to reduce their reliance on exports as the global economic slowdown continues.世界银行说,东2012-05-25 编辑:Jasmine
[SAT动态] 亚洲学生进入美国名校需更高的SAT分数
近年来,随着亚洲经济的发展,越来越多的亚洲学生开始进入美国名校。但是据相关调查数据显示,这些学生想要进入美国名校,需要比其他种族更高的SAT分数,这一结论也得到了很多学者的赞同,并在实际中有得到验证。2012-02-24 编辑:Daisy
[SAT阅读辅导] SAT阅读基本词汇之亚洲国家名称
下面为大家总结的是关于SAT阅读词汇方面的信息,主要是针对亚洲国家的名称。在SAT阅读考试中,涉及到的文章类别非常丰富,而亚洲无论是在科技,文化等等方面都是热点地区,所以记忆一些常见的亚洲国家名称是非常有帮2011-12-31 编辑:Daisy
[大千世界] 英伦广角:Asia Is Plunged into
Across Asia many people have just witnessed the natural wonder that is a total solar eclipse.2009-08-21 编辑:jessica