[SAT数学] SAT数学备考小贴士8个
下面为大家整理的是关于SAT数学备考的相关信息,天道小编总结了8个需要特别注意的小贴士。SAT数学备考被很多考生下意识的忽视,预留的备考时间也相对比较短。大家需要更加掌握方法才能更好的应对考试。 SAT数学2012-02-02 编辑:Daisy
[语音听力小贴士] 语音听力小贴士:辅音串 /tw/ 的连读
【发音要领】即使两个辅音在两个单词当中,也可以把他们连读。【例句操练】That will do.I am sure I can finish it next week.What is between us?Can you read this tongue twister?It will be enough if we coul2006-06-03 编辑:admin
[语音听力小贴士] 语音听力小贴士:音的同化 /d/ + /j/
【发音要领】同化之后的发音类似于汉语里面的zh发音。【例句操练】What did you say?She heard your beautiful voice.You made your bed by yourself, didn’t you?Who would you like to speak to?How did they fi2006-06-03 编辑:admin
[语音听力小贴士] 语音听力小贴士:音的同化 /t/ + /j/
【发音要领】同化之后的发音类似于汉语里面的ch发音。【例句操练】Won’t you go tomorrow? Don’t you like it?Can’t you see the picture?Couldn’t you finish it by eight?I won’t let you down.2006-06-03 编辑:admin
[语音听力小贴士] 语音听力小贴士:元音之间的连读加/j/的情况
【发音要领】注意在元音读之间隐隐约约增加一个音/j/。【例句操练】When will you come back to the office? (the + j + office)I know I would say it again. (say + j + it)What is the answer? (the + j + answe2006-06-03 编辑:admin
[语音听力小贴士] 语音听力小贴士:元音之间的连读加/w/音的情况
【发音要领】注意在元音读之间隐隐约约增加一个音/w/。【例句操练】Can you ask him why? (you + w + ask)May I ask you question? (I + w + ask)You have another two hours. (two + w + hours)How are you? (how2006-06-03 编辑:admin
[语音听力小贴士] 语音听力小贴士:相同辅音的连读
【发音要领】两个相同的发音只发一个音,但是音更靠向后一个单词。【例句操练】The work is half finished. (half + finished)Are they going to take it with them? (with + them)Look at those black cards. (bla2006-06-03 编辑:admin
[语音听力小贴士] 语音听力小贴士:辅音r加元音的连读
【发音要领】直接拼读到一起就可以了;另外如果是美国英语还有儿化音。【例句操练】She is going to major in English. (major + in)Are you going to buy some more eggs? (more + eggs)Don’t go out after eight2006-06-03 编辑:admin
[语音听力小贴士] 语音听力小贴士:辅音加元音的连读
【发音要领】直接拼读到一起就可以了!【例句操练】a lot of work (t + s)as soon as possible (n + s)the dog outside (g + o)Tell us all about it. (l + u; s + a; l + a; t + i)I’m afraid he’s out. (m + a;2006-06-03 编辑:admin