[27宜嫁] 听电影《27宜嫁》学英语第20期:嫁给我好吗?
原文欣赏Oh, hey. Guys, guys! Hold it. She's not the one. She's not the one.等等,不是她。 I'm so sorry. I should&2012-10-15 编辑:justdoit
[27宜嫁] 听电影《27宜嫁》学英语第19期:在户外活动
原文欣赏Don't be silly. The best "tofurky" is made by publicists in kitten heels.别傻了。最好的“者”是由公关人员在穿着高跟鞋。 I&n2012-10-11 编辑:justdoit
[27宜嫁] 听电影《27宜嫁》学英语第18期:练棒球啦
原文欣赏Hola, Pedro. 你好,彼仔。 Yeah. Um, look, Jane, Tess and I. 珍,看。 are gonna take Redro to his baseball game if you&nb..2012-10-10 编辑:justdoit
[27宜嫁] 听电影《27宜嫁》学英语第17期:我们约会?
原文欣赏That is terribly sad. I'm sorry about that.真可怜,很抱歉。 Ah. Well, look. I wanna make it up to you.我想补偿。 Okay?2012-10-06 编辑:justdoit
[影视动态] 华伦天奴:我为安妮·海瑟薇“做嫁衣”
对于安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)和亚当·舒尔曼(Adam Shulman)即将到来的婚礼,安妮对大多数的细节仍然守口如瓶。但我们知道了一个非常重要的细节:她将穿着由华伦天奴·加拉瓦尼登 (Valentino Garavani )本人设计的婚纱步入婚姻殿堂!2012-09-24 编辑:lily
[双语故事] 英语故事:天要下雨,娘要嫁人
It rains when Heaven deems fit, mother remarries when she wants to-a popular saying often heard in China, what's the source of it? It comes from a legend.中国有句老话叫:天要下雨娘要嫁人。这句2012-08-31 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 关注社会:耐克提价 转嫁成本上涨
Nike Inc. is raising the prices of its sneakers, assuming that the brand's cachet will carry it through a period when many of its shoppers are scrounging for discounts. 耐克(Nike Inc.2012-08-22 编辑:justxrh
[结婚大作战] 听电影《结婚大作战》学英语第9期:你愿意嫁给我吗?
原文欣赏So, Emma Allan?那么,艾玛·爱伦?Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给我吗?Yes,Yes.是的,是的。It didn't happen tonight.今晚没成。But I'm not worried, cause I'm sure Daniel&am2012-07-12 编辑:justxrh
[双语故事] 双语故事:天要下雨,娘要嫁人
It rains when Heaven deems fit, mother remarries when she wants to—a popular saying often heard in China, what's the source of it? It comes from a legend.[qh]中国有句老话叫:天要下雨娘要嫁人。这2012-02-20 编辑:jasmine