[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙42:揭露最真实的东方文化
I have already made up my mind that in the United States I think something about the Oriental I mean, the true Oriental, should be shown.我下定决心要在美国展示一些东方特色,向美国人揭露最真实的东方文化。2013-12-12 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙41:优秀不等于衣食无忧
There's a pretty good chance that you'll get a TV series in the States called The Warrior in which you use, what, the martial arts in a Western setting?你有一个好机会能在美国出演一部叫做勇士的节目,在节目中,你在欧美的场景设定中..2013-12-11 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙40:电影《唐山大兄》首映
We came over to Hong Kong and that was when they showed the premiere of The Big Boss.The theatre was packed.我们去了香港,那时《唐山大兄》首映,影院人满为患。2013-12-10 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙39:完全颠覆动作片的观影体验
Bruce made the first two pictures with independent producer Raymond Chow for $15,000 each.布鲁斯同独立制片人邹文怀制作了头两部电影,每部一万五千美元。2013-12-09 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙38:相信自己的能力
The thing that I got off him the most is the trust being able to trust your abilities in each situation.我从他身上学到最多的是信任,无论何时何地都能信任自己的能力。2013-12-07 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙37:像水一样吧,朋友
Bruce Lee had a bit part, or a supporting role in the Longstreet series.李小龙在盲人追凶系列中饰演小角或者说是配角2013-12-06 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙36:回归的明星
That was such a disappointment to Bruce because we were banking on it, literally.布鲁斯失望至极,因为我们都指望这部电影能盈利。Bruce took a trip back to Hong Kong to help his mom with immigration into the United States.布鲁..2013-12-05 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙35:事业的一大突破
Bruce brought himself back through rigorous rehabilitation.痛苦的康复过程后 布鲁斯恢复如初2013-12-04 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙34:鼓起勇气 坚持下去
Jay Sebring introduced my father to William Dozier who was the producer of Batman and also produced The Green Hornet.杰伊·西布林将父亲引荐给威廉·厄齐尔,他是《蝙蝠侠》和《青蜂侠》的制片人2013-12-03 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙33:骇人听闻的凶杀案
Bruce had a vast library of motivational books and wrote motivational thoughts every day and had a little diary that ha kept every hey.布鲁斯藏有大量让人心潮澎湃的书,他本人每天也会写一些激励性的话语并每天记日记。2013-12-02 编辑:kahn