[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙32:一位被经典混乱扭曲的自由之人
They say that Bruce Lee was the father of mixed martial arts.That bothers me.他们把李小龙称作综合搏击之父,这让我大为光火。2013-12-01 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙31:终极格斗迷
Jon Jones, look, guys like this it's important for them to have this kind of confidence I don't look at it as if I'm hurting my opponent, my enemy.乔恩·琼斯,对于他们这样的人拥有此种自信十分重要,我并不认为我在伤害我的对手,..2013-11-30 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙30:直面恐惧 表现自我
I just always felt like it was such a real raw sport and that it was gonna overtake boxing one day.It seems like that day's here.我一直觉得这是一项纯粹的运动,有一天有可能会取代拳击。这一天可能已经到了。2013-11-29 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙29:体育运动与综合格斗
And when you're talking about combat Well I mean if it is a sport,now you're talking about something else.You have regulations. You have rules.要说格斗,如果是体育比赛那就是两码事,会有各种规则规定。2013-11-28 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙28:这就是功夫小子
In 1947 kajukenbo was the first to put all these different martial arts in one title:karate, judo, kenpo, boxing.1947年的混合自卫术是第一个把所有武术混合在一起的项目,有空手道、柔道、流空手道和拳击。2013-11-27 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙27:综合格斗之父
The crazy thing about martial arts is people debate and fight over this stuff.武术一个令人疯狂的地方就在于大家都在激烈争论这个问题。2013-11-26 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙26:截拳道-兼收并蓄
Bruce Lee has the big middle finger raised toward any form of authority.李小龙对一切形式的权威都不屑一顾2013-11-25 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙25:李小龙的哲学就是越简单越好
And that's why he said,I'm gonna call my new method the intercepting way or the interceptingfist.这也就是为什么他说,我要把我的新方法叫做截道或者是截拳2013-11-24 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙24:怎样淋漓尽致的表现自己
Can you break five or six pieces of wood with your hand or your foot?Boards don't hit back.你能不能用手或脚把五六块木板打断。木板可不会还手。2013-11-23 编辑:kahn
[李小龙] 《名人传记》之我是李小龙23:要格斗就要动真格
All the big, big names in tournament fighting came to Bruce because they wanted to refine their skills.所有格斗联赛里响当当的人物都来找布鲁斯,因为他们想精益求精。2013-11-22 编辑:kahn