[双语达人] 夏天出生的人不易当上CEO?
Summer babies with aspirations toward the C-suite may be out of luck.夏天出生的孩子要想成为未来的企业高管,他们也许缺少了一点运气。A new study finds that&nb2012-11-04 编辑:ivy
[双语达人] 跟着名人来读书:盘点全球知名CEO最爱读的书
A good book is indeed the best friend of a person. The same goes for high-profiled CEOs of world recogniz2012-11-04 编辑:ivy
[关注社会] 盖茨仍是首富,Facebook CEO缩水最多
Microsoft Corp co-founder Bill Gates remains America's richest man by far, as the tech and philanthropy giant t2012-09-21 编辑:spring
[商业报道] 商业报道:巴克莱银行任命詹金斯为新任CEO
If you don't know who this man is, don't worry, because that's exactly what Barclays want. He was the head of bank's retail arm, Antony Jenkins sat shoulder to shoulder with Bob Diamo2012-09-04 编辑:helen
[时事新闻] 前希腊农行CEO曾将个人储蓄转移至国外
A political row has erupted in Athens after the former head of a big Greek state bank admitted to transferring2012-08-06 编辑:justxrh
[大千世界] 大千世界:世界最小CEO 8岁弹珠王
导读: 英国伦敦8岁男童哈利·乔丁可能是目前世界上最年轻的CEO,他经营的弹珠国王网店已盈利数千英镑,现在的业务量需要他的妈妈和哥哥们帮助才能处理完。哈利从6岁起开始痴迷弹珠,在学校与同学交换弹珠结果被抢光2011-11-24 编辑:Jasmine
[全球顶级CEO的演讲] 全球顶级CEO的演讲(11):yahoo
全球顶级CEO的演讲(11) We always talk about the Internet a lot, and people always come to me and say, "Jerry, what is the big deal about the Internet?" And I always try to tell them with some number2009-07-23 编辑:echo
[全球顶级CEO的演讲] 全球顶级CEO的演讲(8):Microsoft
全球顶级CEO的演讲(8) Bill Gates's Keynote Speech at Microsoft Professional Developers Conference Beijing, 11 December 1997Good morning. It's a great pleasure to be here. Today is a major milestone2009-07-23 编辑:echo
[全球顶级CEO的演讲] 全球顶级CEO的演讲(4):IBM2(nice)
全球顶级CEO的演讲(4) China is very special to me. I've had the privilege of visiting your country many, many times over the past 20 years. And I believe you know how proud we are of our business her2009-07-22 编辑:echo
[全球顶级CEO的演讲] 全球顶级CEO的演讲(3):HP
全球顶级CEO的演讲(3) :HP Good morning, and let me join my HP colleagues and welcome you to HP MegaForum. One of the greatest challenges facing Chinese industry, government and education is to fully c2009-06-29 编辑:echo