[美国习惯用语] 美国习惯用语-第379讲:毫无顾忌地说出实话
今天我们要讲的习惯用语都有这样一个词,hair。大家一定都熟悉hair这个词。它的意思是头发。男男女女每天都得在整理自己的头发上花一些心思和工夫,因为头发对人的仪表很重要,难怪从hair这个词会产生不少习惯用语。2014-04-09 编辑:shaun
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第329期:如何做个真正的朋友-说实话,哪怕有点伤人(9)
How to be a true friend 如何做个真正的朋友 Speak the truth (even if it hurts).说实话(哪怕有点伤人)。2013-11-17 编辑:Ukki
[轻松日记商务职场篇] 轻松日记商务职场篇 第219期:实话实说
今天要学习的核心句型是:No bones about it. 实话实说吧。2013-08-06 编辑:Aimee
[凯莉日记] 欲望都市前传《凯莉日记》第13期: 终于说实话了
In two weeks, my purse will be in "Interview" Magazine. 两周内 我的手提包就会上《访谈》杂志 You're gonna be famous. 你会一夜成名的 Well, my bag will be. 我的包包会2013-05-26 编辑:alice
[职场双语] 绝不能说实话的5件事:简历也有善意的谎言
Yahoo's former CEO Scott Thompson caused a stir in the headlines when it was revealed that he lied on 2012-10-02 编辑:justxrh
[职场双语] 绝对不能说实话的五件事:简历也有善意的谎言
Yahoo's former CEO Scott Thompson caused a stir in the headlines when it was revealed that he lied on his resume, but he isn't the only one fibbing to get a job.雅虎前CEO斯科特·汤普森2012-08-14 编辑:justxrh
[职场双语] 冒职业自杀的风险说实话? Should I speak up the truth?
I work for a FTSE energy company and have just taken part in a leadership conference update call (called2012-06-07 编辑:justxrh