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  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Is It Real? Life on&

    国家地理:Is It Real? Life on Mars 火星生命Believe it or not, astrobiologist Penny Boston is searching for life on Mars by dropping deep into this heart of darkness. This is a lava tube, a subterranea

    2007-09-01 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Iraq's Guns for Hire&

    国家地理:Iraq's Guns for Hire 伊战前线Back at the Armor Group compound, another team prepares for a different kind of mission. They'll travel low profile, trying to blend in with the Iraqis. Low pr

    2007-09-01 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:The Real Roswell 罗斯维尔飞碟

    国家地理:The Real Roswell 罗斯维尔飞碟Jesse Marcel remains convinced that there was one thing in the debris that could only be extraterrestrial. He described small metal-like I-beams with hieroglyphi

    2007-08-28 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:World's Tallest Tree 

    国家地理:World's Tallest Tree 树之最Redwoods are the tallest living trees on the planet. And one of the best places to see them is northern California's Redwood National Forest. They can reach 300

    2007-08-28 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Octopus Loses Arm 章鱼逃命大法

    国家地理:Octopus Loses Arm 章鱼逃命大法Here in the Timor Sea off northern Australia, take a look at a creature that seems to have the soul of a riverboat gambler. It moves through turf dominated by l

    2007-08-27 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Martin Luther King 马丁·路德·

    国家地理:Martin Luther King 马丁·路德·金He began his career as a Baptist preacher but went on to lead a sweeping grassroots effort to end racial discrimination, known as the Civil Rights Movement.

    2007-08-27 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:In the Womb: Multiples&nb

    国家地理:In the Womb: Multiples 孕育日记多胞胎Identicals share one of the closest human relationships biologically. They are likely to grow up looking and sounding extremely similar, yet not a 100% m

    2007-08-27 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Mayan Temple Mystery 玛雅神庙

    国家地理:Mayan Temple Mystery 玛雅神庙之谜Deep in the jungles of Guatemala lie the ruins of a lost Maya civilization. The culture thought of as the classic Maya flourished across Central America betw

    2007-08-27 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Gator in the Backyard&nbs

    国家地理:Gator in the Backyard 后院的不速之客"The lady, she has two small dogs and she was worried because the alligator finds the back of her house and just gets up there and he sounds itself and l

    2007-08-27 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Halloween:Goliath Tarantula 食鸟

    国家地理:Halloween:Goliath Tarantula 食鸟蛛奇They're the big, hairy spiders of our nightmares. And it's no wonder we are afraid. Tarantulas are the biggest of all the arachnids. These spiders are k

    2007-08-26 编辑:admin

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