[教育] PBS高端访谈:教师对学生终身收入的影响
JEFFREY BROWN: And finally tonight, putting a price on the value of good teachers. A large and new study2012-11-02 编辑:melody
[健康] PBS高端访谈:阿富汗妇女权利前景如何?
JEFFREY BROWN: Next tonight, Afghanistan, where both the U.S. and Afghan governments are exploring new negotiations with2012-11-01 编辑:melody
[环境] PBS高端访谈:西维吉尼亚州矿坑爆炸事故29人遇难
JEFFREY BROWN: Finally tonight, new findings and charges in the investigation of the Upper Big Branch Mine disaster2012-10-31 编辑:melody
[商业] PBS高端访谈:为什么欧债危机不是更加突出的竞选主题?
JUDY WOODRUFF: And that brings us to Europe's debt crisis.That is one of the little-mentioned topics in t2012-10-30 编辑:melody
[娱乐] PBS高端访谈:《沙滩上的爱因斯坦》古典音乐剧的复兴
GWEN IFILL: Finally tonight: a genre-bending musical look into the mind of Albert Einstein.Jeffrey Brown tells the2012-10-26 编辑:melody
[社会] PBS高端访谈:阿富汗战场的美国大兵自杀率升高
JEFFREY BROWN: It happened again today—twice, in fact. Afghan forces turned their guns on international troops.In Farah&2012-10-25 编辑:melody
[教育] PBS高端访谈:为什么学生表现不佳就要被退学?
GWEN IFILL: Finally tonight: America's dropout crisis.Each year, approximately one million students drop out of high 2012-10-24 编辑:melody
[环境] PBS高端访谈:PBS新纪录片"Earth:The Operator's
JUDY WOODRUFF: Finally tonight: Yesterday was Earth Day, with celebrations around the globe.Hari Sreenivasan talked recently&2012-10-23 编辑:melody
[商业] PBS高端访谈:总统候选人该如何解决日益上涨的大学成本
JUDY WOODRUFF: There was fresh evidence today of just how expensive college has become and how fast student de2012-10-22 编辑:melody
[娱乐] PBS高端访谈:阿姆斯特朗被描述成兴奋剂头目
GWEN IFILL: Finally tonight: a new report that details the doping case against Lance Armstrong.And once again to&nb2012-10-19 编辑:melody