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[商务口语天天说] 商务口语天天说 第73天:怎样提出包装的重量和数量
星级典句:第一句:According to the contract, we want to pack goods in wooden cases of 6kg.根据合同,我们要用木箱子,每个装6公斤货物。A: What do you think about the packing terms?贵方认为包装条款怎么样

时间:2012-08-27 编辑:rainbow

[旅游口语天天说] 旅游口语天天说 第72天:如何询问建筑
星级典句:第一句:What's that building?那幢建筑是什么?A: What's that building?那幢建筑是什么?B: The one with the red wall?红墙的那幢?A: Yes.是的。B: Oh, that's the police s

时间:2012-08-24 编辑:rainbow

[商务口语天天说] 商务口语天天说 第72天:怎样提出对硬纸盒的要求
星级典句:第一句:We asked the factory to use stronger cartons.我们要求工厂用更加结实的纸板箱。A: What's your requirement of packing?你们对包装有什么要求吗?B: We asked the factory to use str

时间:2012-08-24 编辑:rainbow

[旅游口语天天说] 旅游口语天天说 第71天:如何了解天气信息
星级典句:第一句:What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?对于明天的天气,天气预报怎么说的?A: What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?对于明天的天气,天气预报怎么说的?B: The weath

时间:2012-08-23 编辑:rainbow

[商务口语天天说] 商务口语天天说 第71天:怎样提出对箱子的要求
星级典句:第一句:Packing in study wooden cases is essential.有必要用坚固的箱子。A: Now let's talk about the packing terms.下面我们来谈谈包装条款。B: OK.好的。A: Packing in study wooden cases

时间:2012-08-23 编辑:rainbow

[旅游口语天天说] 旅游口语天天说 第70天:如何了解观光信息
星级典句:第一句:Could you tell me what to see here?你能告诉我这儿有什么可参观的吗?A: This is our first trip to Canada. Could you tell me what to see here?这是我们第一次来加拿大,你能告诉我这儿有什

时间:2012-08-22 编辑:rainbow

[商务口语天天说] 商务口语天天说 第70天:怎样讨论分段保险
星级典句:第一句:We may cover the inland insurance on your behalf.我们为你们保陆地险。A: What insurance do you recommend for the goods?你们推荐什么样的保险?B: We may cover the inland insurance on y

时间:2012-08-22 编辑:rainbow

[旅游口语天天说] 旅游口语天天说 第69天:怎样表达无预定散客入住
星级典句:第一句:Could I have two adjacent rooms with twin beds?我可以要两间相临的带双人床的房间吗?A: Have you made a reservation?您预订了吗?B: No. Could I have two adjacent rooms with twin beds?没

时间:2012-08-21 编辑:rainbow

[商务口语天天说] 商务口语天天说 第69天:怎样讨论保险事宜
星级典句:第一句:We want to find out about your marine insurance.我们想询问你方的海运保险。A: We need to send a shipment to England.我们要把货物通过船运运往英国。B: No problem.没问题。A: We want to

时间:2012-08-21 编辑:rainbow
