[和老外聊天的地道口语] 和老外聊天的地道口语第122期:我们去冲浪吧!
2010-03-19 编辑:jessica
[白领的一天] 白领的一天 场景72:旅行
72.旅行常用应急场景范例一:Barney tourWhere did you get all these barney tour pamphlets?I took them from a travel agency. Look at those nice pictures, lash forest, palm fringed, white sand beaches, c2010-03-19 编辑:echo
[和老外聊天的地道口语] 和老外聊天的地道口语第121期:到底要不要买车?
2010-03-18 编辑:jessica
[白领的一天] 白领的一天 场景71:理财投资
Part.6 Coffee break topics71.理财投资常用应急场景范例一:Buying fundsWhen it comes to select a fund, you will always read “Past performance is not an indication of future results”, can you believe2010-03-18 编辑:echo
[白领的一天] 白领的一天 场景70:批评
70.批评常用应急场景范例一:Room for improvementHow do you think the report I wrote?Not bad. But there is more room for improvement.I jumped the gun.There were some gaps in your report. Please be mor2010-03-16 编辑:echo
[和老外聊天的地道口语] 和老外聊天的地道口语第120期:我痛恨堵车!
2010-03-15 编辑:jessica
[白领的一天] 白领的一天 场景69:奖励
69.奖励常用应急场景范例一:You definitely deserve itI was really glad to hear about your award, congratulations!Thanks. Actually, I was really surprised. I mean there were a lot of qualified people2010-03-15 编辑:echo
[和老外聊天的地道口语] 和老外聊天的地道口语第119期:我都快入不敷出了!
2010-03-12 编辑:jessica
[白领的一天] 白领的一天 场景68:提醒
68.提醒常用应急场景范例一:Don’t forget this timeDid you remember to bring back that software I lent to you?Oh, I’m sorry. It completely slipped my mind.That’s ok. If you could just bring it in t2010-03-12 编辑:echo