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  • [职场双语] 又到校招时,毕业生期待更高起薪

    LOCAL college students who will graduate next summer are expecting a higher starting salary from foreign-invested compan

    2012-11-07 编辑:spring

  • [学习经验] 考研过来人经验谈:对抗考研疲惫期

       一、持久战VS突击战  每个考研同学在考研复习的战术上可能采取不同的复习方法,但归纳之就可以分为两种:持久战或突击战。关于哪种战术更为有效,我以自己及身边考上同学的经历来看,绝对是持久站更靠谱。纵观大部分考研胜利军,都是苦战大半年得来的不易成果。考研的复习量很大,因此政治、英语、专业课三大板块定要同步并行;政治理解识记的内容比较多,英语的单词也是必背项,专业课部

    2012-11-05 编辑:mike

  • [时事新闻] 桑迪飓风死亡人数增加纽约马拉松如期举行

    The U.S. death toll from the powerful storm that ravaged the East Coast is above 90 and rising, as emerge

    2012-11-04 编辑:ivy

  • [TED演讲] TED演讲:我们的自然睡眠周期


    2012-11-02 编辑:lily

  • [高中三年级] 高中英语牛津版高三下学期CHAPTER FOUR

    CHAPTER FOUR Reading Page 64 and 65The Wonders of Dolphins1.Here's a true story.In June 1990,Keith,Steve and Dave,three friends,were fishing about 35 miles off the east coast of America when

    2012-11-01 编辑:hoy

  • [高中三年级] 高中英语牛津版高三下学期CHAPTER THREE

    CHAPTER THERE Reading Page 43FIND OUT ABOUT YOUR FUTUREby Meg PanIf you need any help in planning your future,call in at the Education and Careers Expo,which opened at the City Convention and Exhibit

    2012-11-01 编辑:hoy

  • [高中三年级] 高中英语牛津版高三下学期CHAPTER TWO

    CHAPTER TWO Reading Page 24 and 25A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOMEChairperson and fellow students,1.Replying to such a well0argued speech is not easy,but I will try.As you know,I'm spea

    2012-11-01 编辑:hoy

  • [高中三年级] 高中英语牛津版高三下学期CHAPTER ONE

    CHAPTER ONE Reading Page 2 and 3Ever since the beginning of history,people have dreamed of interplanetary travel.For centuries,these dreams have remained dreams.But within about 30 years from now,the

    2012-11-01 编辑:hoy

  • [高中三年级] 高中英语牛津版高三上学期CHAPTER FIVE

    CHAPTER FIVE Reading Page 82&83SICK BUILDINGSA wealthy American businessmanhas just bought a small insurance company in South east Asia.He has not visited it yet.After he bought it,he heard that

    2012-11-01 编辑:hoy

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