[创意生活] 绿色居家小妙招 用醋清洁洗碗机
由于洗碗机帮你接管了所有肮脏的工作,所以也需要对洗碗机进行清洁。2013-02-27 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 浴室清洁技巧:用白醋清洗莲蓬头
If your showerhead is clogged with years of buildup from mineral deposits in the water and spurting water, it may need a thorough cleansing.2012-12-26 编辑:qihui
[开心一笑] 英语笑话:吃醋的妻子 A Jealous Wife
从前有个妻子醋劲很大。一天晚上丈夫回家,她没有从他衣服上找到头发,于是大叫:“好啊,现在你开始和秃头的女人骗我了!”2012-12-12 编辑:ivy
[翻译加油站] 翻译加油站 第78期:英语中不"吃醋"
乍一看译文一点不错,还有点文采,但实际上却是错译。此句的关键在于vinegar的隐喻含义。Vinegar是“醋”不错,但这两个中英文词只有在指那种带酸味的调料(即词的本义denotative meaning)时,意思才是一样的。2012-12-10 编辑:Jasmine
[创意生活] 水龙头积累大量水垢 用醋轻松清除
Remove Tap Limescale by watching and listening to this simple one minute explanation. No scrubbing necessary! Learn 2012-11-09 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 巧用白醋去除衣服上的啤酒污渍
If you love beer, you'll appreciate this tip on getting beer stains out of your clothing. So, if you'v2012-10-30 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 巧用柠檬和醋 制作有机果蔬清洗剂
You never know what kind of pesticides or dirt may be lurking on the skin of your favorite fruits and&nbs2012-10-20 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 巧用白醋 创造清洁环保家居环境
Cleaning your home can be a daunting task. Using harsh chemicals to clean up spills and kill household bacteri2012-10-19 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 用白醋修复旧画笔 短暂瞬间清洁如新
It doesn't matter if you're the next Da Vinci or just need to paint the bedroom, you can't operate2012-10-18 编辑:qihui