[时事新闻] 法媒曝奥巴马婚外情 对象是歌手碧昂丝
《华盛顿邮报》通讯部总监克里斯丁-科拉蒂说:“我可以告诉你们这是假的,” 并补充道“华盛顿邮报不会报道此类虚假的消息。”2014-02-13 编辑:shaun
[社会] pbs高端访谈:中情局大卫·裴卓斯将军被爆婚外情后辞职
White House: The president has — believes that General Petraeus is doing and has done an excellent job.2012-11-26 编辑:melody
[科技资讯] 婚外情扯出网络隐私安全 Spy caught red-handed
No matter how careful you are, it’s impossible to cover all your tracks when having an affair–US general David2012-11-26 编辑:ivy
[他她话题] 夫妻之间谁更容易婚外情?
Some 60 years ago, Alfred Kinsey delivered a shock to midcentury sexual sensibilities when he reported that at 2012-11-02 编辑:ivy