[看影视记雅思单词] 看影视记雅思核心单词 第84期:printer 打印机
A: How‘s that rewrite comin’? 那个重写数据是如何流入的?2013-12-26 编辑:Andersen
[看影视记雅思单词] 看影视记雅思核心单词 第82期:laser printer 激光打印机
A: Yeah, I matched the spindle marks on the paper to a laser printer in the hihg school library. 纸上的轴印和学校阅览室的激光打印机是一致的。2013-12-24 编辑:Andersen
[视频词汇] BBC新闻词汇(视频版) 第68期:Print your own gun打印你自己的枪支
A fully functional gun made with a 3D printer.The controversial group who designed the firearm want to make it available online.2013-09-11 编辑:Andersen
[健康] VOA视频:3D打印机帮助医生进行心脏手术
3D打印机正在慢慢进入人们的生活,并在机械方面更到越来越广泛的运用。华盛顿全国儿童医疗中心的医生表示,3D打印机能够打印与病人心脏一样大小的模型,这有利于帮助他们计划并更好地完成手术。美国之声记者乔治·蒲提科为我们带来更多报道。2013-07-31 编辑:Andersen
[社会] pbs高端访谈:3D打印手枪引发安全担忧
Cody Wilson, a law student from Texas, has made the first fully functioning plastic pistol from a 3-D printer, sparking questions and concerns about legal and safety implications.2013-05-31 编辑:melody
[最In导购口语] 最In导购口语 第116期:打印机
导购口语:This laser printers are now coming down to 600 dollars and represent very good value.这种激光打印机价格已降到600美元并且质量很好。That's2012-11-13 编辑:Jasmine
[科技资讯] 想吃巧克力?打印一份!
A chocolate printer that allows sweet lovers to create their own custom-made 3D treats is to go on sale at a cost of 2,500 pounds.一款巧克力打印机将于明天上市,只要支付2500英镑,甜蜜恋人们可以为爱人打2012-04-17 编辑:Jasmine