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  • [2006年5月] VOA常速:United States admits mis

    At a U.N. hearing Monday, the U.S. government admitted it made mistakes in the treatment of prisoners in the war against terror, but said it has taken measures to prevent abuse. A team of 25 senior o

    2006-07-26 编辑:admin

  • [2006年5月] VOA常速:Blair reshuffles cabinet 

    British Prime Minister Tony Blair has overhauled his cabinet after his ruling Labor Party suffered big losses in local elections across England. Mr. Blair's government is facing one of its bigg..

    2006-07-26 编辑:admin

  • [2006年5月] VOA常速:May Day rallies attract&

    More than a million people rallied in traditional May Day rallies across Europe. In Italy,labor unions had a strong message for the mafia, in Germany demonstrators protested against globalization and

    2006-07-26 编辑:admin

  • [2006年4月] VOA常速:Russia presses Iran to&n

    The deputy head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, Mohammad Saeedi, told state television Saturday that Tehran would continue enriching uranium. But, he said, Iran would allow the resumption..

    2006-07-26 编辑:admin

  • [2006年4月] VOA常速:Oil industry defends big

    When the top U.S. oil companiesannounced huge increases in profits this week, many consumer advocates cried foul. At a time when American motorists are paying record-level prices for gasoline, some i

    2006-07-26 编辑:admin

  • [2006年4月] VOA常速:Bush freezes assets conn

    In a statement, President Bush says he is taking the action, because the conflict in Darfur threatens the national security and foreign policy of the United States.The asset freeze is being imposed o

    2006-07-25 编辑:admin

  • [2006年4月] VOA常速:Tribeca Film Festival de

    Actor Robert DeNiro and two associates started the film festival just months after the attacks to reinvigorate the Tribeca neighborhood, just north of the World Trade Center. Mr. De Niro was born nea

    2006-07-25 编辑:admin

  • [2006年4月] VOA常速:Volunteers restore carousel&n

    Restoring New Orleans is a process that often proceeds in small steps and part of what needs to be restored is the spirit of a wounded city. That is why Hampton hotels, through the company's &q..

    2006-07-25 编辑:admin

  • [2006年4月] VOA常速:US cracks down on e

    The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency arrested current and former managers of the German-based IFCO Systems in raids on more than 40 of the company's plants in 26 states. The agen..

    2006-07-25 编辑:admin

  • [2006年4月] VOA常速:Bush pushes for plan&nbs

    President Bush wants Congress to act on an energy initiative that he says will change the way Americans power their homes, businesses and cars.He wants more funding for hydrogen fuel cells, which emi

    2006-07-25 编辑:admin

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