[新闻速递] 新闻速递:奥巴马提议对银行实行新法规
President Obama has put forward sweeping new rules to curb the size and risk-taking of big banks. He said banks that taxpayers safeguarded against failure should not take unnecessary risks, and he wo2010-01-26 编辑:jessica
[新闻速递] 新闻速递:全球经济低迷,欧洲移民数量减少
2010-01-21 编辑:jessica
[新闻速递] 新闻速递:卡梅隆《阿凡达》获最佳导演
2010-01-20 编辑:jessica
[新闻速递] 新闻速递:海地人灾难面前积极自救
文本People very much are fending for themselves at the moment. I have seen people going to buildings which have collapsed where there are broken pipes the water spilling onto the ground and going up2010-01-19 编辑:jessica
[新闻速递] 新闻速递:美国前总统呼吁援助海地
2010-01-18 编辑:jessica
[新闻速递] 新闻速递:联合国维和特派团团长仍下落不明
2010-01-15 编辑:jessica
[新闻速递] 新闻速递:2010年保持身体健康的9大秘诀(2)
Healthy Resolution: Quit Smoking AlreadyFor smokers, quitting may be the hardest resolution to stick with because it is so challenging. If you consider the benefits, and take advantage of today'..2010-01-13 编辑:jessica
[CCTV9] 气候变暖的表象 地球迎来微型冰河世纪?
目前寒流席卷全球,世界多个国家和地区被漫天风雪所包围。据英国《每日邮报》1月10日报道,日前多位权威气候学家表示,连日来的异常气候很可能只是全球气候变冷的开端而已,在接下来的20至30年间,地球将经历2010-01-13 编辑:sunny
[CCTV9] 胡主席表示加强反腐力度
胡锦涛指出,2009年,各级党委、政府和纪检监察机关全面推进反腐倡廉建设,加强对中央保增长、保民生、保稳定等一系列决策部署贯彻落实情况的监督检查,严肃查处一批违纪违法案件,坚决纠正损害群众利益的2010-01-13 编辑:sunny
[新闻速递] 新闻速递:2010年保持身体健康的9大秘诀(1)
9 Healthy Resolutions for 2010If you're interested in downsizing your figure, start downsizing your dishes. Studies link smaller plates and bowls with weight loss because it helps prevent overe..2010-01-12 编辑:jessica