[新闻速递] 新闻速递:美国经济开始复苏
Figures suggest the recession in the US is over and a recovery underway. Spending by consumers increased for most types of goods and services, including cars.A recovery underway: the process of getti2009-11-03 编辑:jessica
[新闻速递] 新闻速递:巴基斯坦西北部汽车爆炸
文本The blast in Peshawar was the deadliest single attack this year in Pakistan.Witnesses say the explosion hit a crowded market late in the day, Wednesday, killing mostly women and children. A large2009-10-30 编辑:jessica
[新闻速递] 新闻速递:奥巴马宣布进入H1N1流感病毒紧急状态
文本President Obama has declared a national emergency concerning the flu virus, the H1N1. His order Friday night gives doctors and hospitals the OK to cut through government red tape so they can quic2009-10-29 编辑:jessica
[新闻速递] 新闻速递:艾滋疫苗取得新进展
文本Researchers say they still have much work to do on a vaccine against the virus that causes AIDS. But the first reports of some success have raised hopes. Scientists say an experimental vaccine re2009-10-28 编辑:jessica
[新闻速递] 新闻速递之轻松系列 第1期:鼠妈妈
文本A mother mouse was out for a stroll with her babies when she spotted a cat crouched behind a bush. She watched the cat, and the cat watched the babies.Mother mouse barked fiercely, "Woof, woo..2009-09-22 编辑:jessica