1.If one of your friends helped you move to your new apartment. How will you do to express your appreciation?
2.Some schools offer classes early in the morning while others provide classes late at night? Which one do you prefer?
3.reading: 一学生写的信 Eliminate community services
1) student won't do community services after they graduate
2) student do not work hard before they are forced to, and this left a bad impression to the neighbors
listening: 女的不同意
1) 很多学生选择这所学校就是因为community service是这个学校的requirement, 他们毕业以后也会继续做的
2) 那个写信的人这样说是因为他自己有一些bad experience因为他被安排做了自己不喜欢的community service,女的认为这是他的exaggeration, 而事实上很多学生都是认真地,社区地反应也很好
4.reading: strategical alliance
different business combine resources to increase the product development and gain more profit.
listening:一个chocolate公司和一个pretzel 公司一起做chocolate covered pretzel, 很成功
5.男学生的朋友Sam搬出去住准备办一个house warming party, 他和另一个朋友给他买了一个book case作为礼物,是需要自己assemble的,结果组装的时候发现some part was missing
1) 打电话去商店问了,可以replace 一个
但是现在卖完了,没有in stock的,需要等两周
2) 换另外一款book case
但是比较贵,而这个书架是on sale的
6.plant 是怎么保护自己不被吃的
1) physical adaptation
例子是一种grass的叶子上有一些很sharp的东西, 用手摸就会cut your finger, 所以动物在chew 的时候会uncomfortable 以后就不吃了
1) appearance appearance
例子是一种植物,蝴蝶在上面lay eggs, 之后会吃了它。但是蝴蝶不会去那些看起来occupied 的叶子上lay egg, 所以他就自己伪装成上面有butterfly egg like appearance