1. He is in character with his wife. (他的品性和他的夫人相同。)
2. The reactionaries are fierce in appearance but in reality. (反动派看起来很强大,实际上十分虚弱。)
3. Killing commuters with bombs has to be one of the most (and dastardly) forms of terrorism. (恐怖分子最懦弱也是最卑鄙的手法就是造成炸弹袭击乘客。)
4. Anger is a higher level of consciousness than apathy, so it’s a lot better than being all the time. (愤怒比起冷漠来说是一种更高层次的意识,所以这要比整日麻木的过日子要好多了。)
答案:1.identical 2. feeble 3. cowardly 4. numb