1. Republic: a state governed by representatives and, usually a president. 共和国。比如中国,the people's republic of china, 美国的共和党 Republican Party.
2. Monarchy: a state ruled by a king or queen.君主制。比如英国和瑞典都是君主立宪制,即constitional monarchy system.
3. Federation: a union of political units under a certral government.即联邦政府。美国的联邦调查局FBI常在美剧中出现,全称是Federal Bureau of Investigation.
4. Democracy: government of, by and for the people.民主国家,从英文解释就可以看出是源自于人民,由人民管理,并服务于人民的国家政府。
5. Dictatorship: system of government run by a dictator. 独裁专政
6. Independence: freedom from outside control, self- governing 独立自制
1. Presidential government: The powers of the President and the legislature (Congress) are separate. These branches of government are elected separately.很显然美国是总统制整体,而总统并不是拥有所有权利的,他的权利和国会或立法机关的权利是分开的,在美国,总统甚至没有管理各州的权利。美国总统大选(presidential election)每四年举行一次,并且可以任命(appoint or nominate)政府内的高级官员,包括内阁(cabinet)成员,或者联邦法官(judges),总统领导主要的大党,但在国会中不一定是多数党(majority party)。
Congress 国会包括两个House(院),及the House of Representatives (众议院)和 the Senate(参议院)。司法机关(The judiciary )属于独立的机构,最高法院是the Supreme Court,可以否决总统和国会。