at ease 安逸,自由自在;舒适 (adjective): a condition of comfort
- He feels at ease when speaking in Spanish.
apprehension n. 理解;恐惧;逮捕;忧惧 (noun): fearful or unpleasant expectation
- Experiencing some apprehension about meeting new people overseas is normal.
immunizations n. 免疫接种;防疫注射 (noun): protection, often in the form of vaccination or shots, against certain diseases
- Immunizations against certain diseases are strongly recommended when traveling to certain areas of the world.
haggle vi. 争论;乱劈 (verb): intense bargaining over the price of goods
- We were finally able to haggle down the price of the rug.
stare vt. 凝视,盯着看 (verb): fix your eyes on something
- Even if you see something unusual, it is considered impolite to stare .
disquieting adj. 令人不安的;令人忧虑的 (adjective): a feeling of discomfort
- I had a disquieting feeling about walking down this street at night.
oddity n. 奇异;古怪;怪癖 (noun): something strange or unusual
- Eating snails and octopus is an oddity to some people in certain parts of the world.
dodge vt. 躲避,避开 (verb): make sudden moves in new directions to avoid something
- I had to dodge out of the away to avoid being hit by an oncoming car.
knack n. 诀窍;本领;熟练技术;巧妙手法(noun): a special way of doing something
- If you practice enough, you soon get the knack of speaking in a foreign language.
chaotic adj. 混沌的;混乱的,无秩序的 (adjective): complete disorder and confusion
- The traffic is very chaotic during rush hour, so I always take the train.
blase adj. 玩厌了的,厌烦于享乐的(adjective): unconcerned and uninterested
- He felt the visit to the museum was so blase, having been to many others over the past few days.
dart vt. 投掷,投射;使迅速突然移动(verb): move very quickly
- Taxis often dart in and out of traffic to take passengers to their destinations.