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Nick Savrinn律师和Vironica没能拿到罪案现场录像原件,感到很失望。他们认为档案室水管漏水是人为破坏,有人故意损毁原件。这时,Vironica察觉有人来过自己家,录相带的副本也不见了。

[00:07.59]Listen and Share
[00:41.40]Nick Savrinn
[01:03.02]Any chance you want to write this off
[01:03.97]as a coincidence?
[01:05.69]Me, neither.
[01:07.29]How could they have known
[01:07.88]we were coming for the tape?
[01:08.96]Three hours ago, we didn't even know.
[01:11.14]Well, we're pissing someone off.
[01:12.84]You say that like it's a good thing.
[01:14.91]People start breaking the law,
[01:16.01]you know you're getting warm.
[01:20.97]We still have our copy of the tape, so maybe...
[01:28.61]Stay here.
[01:46.55]Whoever it was is gone.
[01:48.66]Does it look like they got anything?
[01:56.72]Everything's exactly the way I left it.
[02:07.80]What? What? What?
[02:14.44]The tape, it's gone.
[02:15.54]Are you sure?
[02:16.39]How could they know?
[02:17.11]Let's think this through.
[02:17.80]How could they know exactly where to look?
[02:19.70]Wait, wait. Does anyone else have a key to this place?
[02:32.48]Any chance you want to write this off
[02:34.14]as a coincidence?
[02:35.86]Me, neither.
[02:47.90]How could they have known
[02:48.78]we were coming for the tape?
[02:50.77]Three hours ago, we didn't even know.
[02:53.50]Well, we're pissing someone off.
[03:07.19]You say that like it's a good thing.
[03:15.96]People start breaking the law,
[03:17.76]you know you're getting warm.
[03:35.25]We still have our copy of the tape, so maybe...
[03:38.83]Stay here.
[03:59.51]Whoever it was is gone.
[04:02.25]Does it look like they got anything?
[04:04.71]No. Everything's exactly the way I left it.
[04:26.64]What? What? What?
[04:28.07]The tape, it's gone.
[04:30.54]Are you sure?
[04:38.26]How could they know?
[04:39.61]Let's think this through.
[04:49.69]How could they know exactly where to look?
[04:52.18]Wait, wait.
[04:52.98]Does anyone else have a key to this place?
[05:28.83]He has a chance to go to college.
[05:33.26]There is a chance that he may go to college.
[05:39.35]write A off as B
[05:47.15]write this off as a coincidence
[05:54.77]They wrote its mission off as a complete failure.
[06:03.08]coincidence 巧合
[06:11.47]Me, neither.
[06:17.66]Neither do I.
[06:33.99]I can't swim!
[06:37.06]neither can I!
[06:43.54]I don't, either.
[06:52.85]piss somebody off
[07:00.92]somebody is pissed off
[07:31.01]You're getting warm.
[07:47.35]look like
[08:01.22]Whoever it was is gone.
[08:08.17]The tape, it's gone.
[08:13.22]think through
[08:16.67]think something over
[08:21.08]I need some time to think it through.
[08:24.28]I need some time to think it over.

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