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来源:沪江英语 编辑:memeyyr   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

7. Agent: Well, I could never do anything unprofessional. But sometimes I do leave a file unattended when I go to get a drink. There's some bottled water in the fridge. Are you thirsty?
Chuck: Parched.

unattended: not being attended to, looked after, or watched. 注意“我会把文件落下”可以用unattended这样比较简洁的表达方式。
parch: to become very dry

8. Vanessa: So you ratted on Blair? You Templeton.
Dan: A "Charlotte's Web"-sult? That's very cute. And, no, technically, I did not rat on Blair. I just told Rachel to put the squeeze on the weakest of her kilted cronies.
Vanessa: And what does Serena think of you getting her best friend expelled?
Dan: The moment Blair involves me in her schemes, the "boyfriend of the b.f.f." clause is officially null and void.

rat on: 告密,rat有叛徒的意思
Templeton: A character (a rat) in the classic children's novel Charlotte's Web.

A "Charlotte's Web"-sult: 这里玩的是文字游戏,把assault拆了开来。
put the squeeze on: to put pressure on someone or something
crony: 亲信
null and void: 无效

9. Gossip Girl: Spotted... lonely boy going from teacher's pet to personal non grata in the pitter-patter of a heart beat.

personal non grata: 解释为“不受欢迎的人”,来自拉丁语personae non gratae.
pitter-patter: 下雨的声音

10. Queller: Miss Waldorf, this meeting is closed to students.
Blair: I’m sorry for the interruption. But I have something I think almost everyone here would want to see. Headmistress, if you'd like to check your e-mail... I believe it's called exculpatory evidence. I love "damages."

be closed to students: 禁止学生入内,注意这个禁止用be closed to,同样的,“道路封路”也可以说the area is closed to traffic.
exculpatory evidence: applied to evidence which may justify or excuse an accused defendant's actions, and which will tend to show the defendant is not guilty or has no criminal intent.
damages: FX电视台的电视剧,讲的是关于律师的故事

11. Harold: I saw a different side of you last night, and I'm disappointed.
Blair: But, daddy, I was right.
Harold: No, you were lucky. And you allowed me to defend a lie, a lie that you looked me in the eyes and told. Why did you do that?
Blair: Yale was on the line.

on the line: at risk of failing or being harmed, 岌岌可危





