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来源:沪江英语 编辑:memeyyr   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

14. Vanessa: Why don't we just tell Serena you're not interested in being friends with Blair?
Dan: Oh, we just started hanging out again. I don't want to rock the boat.

hang out: 一起出来玩
rock the boat: Do things differently to the point of causing an uproar in society

15. Dan: I didn't invite her, but Serena and Blair tend to be a package deal.

package deal: 成套的,搭配在一起的(要么两者都要,要么两者都不要)。一个package,就是一整套东西,所以那种酒店、机票都包含在一起的旅游也可以叫做package deal.

16. Dan: I can't believe that I allowed myself to be sucked in by Blair Waldorf.

suck in: 卷入,involved

17. N: That guy Max that was here earlier? Is he a friend of yours?
Aaron: Yeah,yeah, I know him from school.
Nate: Yeah? What's his deal?

What's the deal? 他是怎么样的一个人?

18. Agnes: Sweetie, I told you he liked you.

I totally called that one. 我完全说中了

19. Dan: Serena, hey. Look, I'm...I'm...I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry I was out of line.

out of line: 过火了,越界了

20. B: Are you here to gloat?
C: Over what?
B: Well, you won. Pop the champagne.

gloat over: 心满意足,这下你满意了吧,你是来兴灾乐祸的吗?
Pop the champagne. 开香槟的开用pop,pop就是刚打开时候的那一声响声。



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