1. This art director just ran off with the husband of this photo editor. So I sat all of "Vanity Fair" between them. I figured we'd want to avoid a catfight in front of the catwalk.
run off: 逃跑,这里有“私奔”的含义在里面。“私奔”也可以说elope.
Vanity Fair: 《名利场》杂志讲很多名流的八卦。这里喻指把这两个冤家位置分开,让那些名流们坐在他们中间。
catfight: two women fighting
catwalk: T台
2. It seems that Dartmouth's whole English department was poached by Yale.
poach: 这里是to steal. 作为名词,还可以解释为“水煮荷包蛋”。
scrambled egg 炒蛋(和中餐的炒蛋不一样,里面通常会放cheese一起炒,盐和胡椒也需要自己另外加)
omelet 煎蛋卷(就是把煎蛋卷起来,里面包火腿、洋葱、青椒、香菇等)
fired egg, sunny side up荷包蛋(只煎一面)
fried egg, over easy荷包蛋(两面都煎)
3. She shouldered most of the workload at the atelier this week.
shoulder: 我们中国人说的“肩负重任”,英文就是shoulder the workload
4. Blair would be furious. Things are already tense between us.
最近我们关系紧张,可以用Things are already tense between us这个短语。