who is Captain Archibald Haddock?
Captain Archibald Haddock is a fictional character in The Adventures of Tintin, the series of classic Belgian comic books written and illustrated by Hergé. He is Tintin's best friend, a multi-millionaire seafaring Merchant Marine Captain.
Haddock uses a range of colourful insults and curses to express his feelings, such as "billions of blue blistering barnacles" , "ten thousand thundering typhoons", "bashi-bazouk", "visigoths", "kleptomaniac"……but nothing that is actually considered a swear word. Haddock is a hard drinker, particularly fond of rum and whisky. His bouts of drunkenness are often used for comic effect.
阿道克船长全名是阿奇波尔德·阿道克。急性子、嗜酒如命、为朋友两肋插刀。他从不掩饰自己的感情和想法,无论是愤怒、焦虑、不快还是害怕,他都能直白而生动地展示出来,用他自创的语言!他好奇、顽劣固执,常常破口大骂。在困难面前他保持敬畏、坚决退缩,却在丁丁和威士忌的帮助下,他会把一切危难抛诸脑后,冲上阵地。他自由纯粹,不受拘束。他身材高大,身体壮实,虽然长着凶恶的脸庞,性格暴躁,脾气粗鲁,却心肠善良,充满爱心,个性天真,像个长不大的孩子,他最大的特色就是骂人的话绝不重样(虽然有的时候这些话make no sense)!
Autocrats!(独裁者) Bloodsuckers!(寄生虫,吸血鬼) Blunderbuss!(蠢货) Brat! (小兔崽子) Brigands!(强盗) Cachinnating cockatoo!(傻乐的鹦鹉) Cannibals!(食人族) Centipede(臭蜈蚣) Cercopithecus!(长尾猴) Colocynths!(西瓜瓢) Cowards!(懦夫) Egoists!(自私鬼) Harlequin!(小丑) Highwayman!(拦路抢劫的土匪) Jellyfish!(没用的东西) Jobbernowl!(蠢货) Morons!(蠢货) Pockmarks!(麻子) Poltroons!(懦夫) Psychopath!(神经病) Rapscallion!(臭流氓) Savages!(没教养的野人) Slubberdegullions!(二流子) Spitfire!(火药桶) Swine!(猪猡) Toffee-noses!(骄傲自大,趾高气扬的人) Turncoats!(叛徒) Two-timing Troglodytes!(不忠的叛徒) Vermicellis!(软面) Whippersnapper!(傲慢的家伙)