第五集1. It seemed that the women he’d dated always invented reasons not to consummate their relationship. 这是画外音对George“悲惨”恋爱经历的一句总结。Consummate是完婚的意思。2. You seem a little
第五集1. It seemed that the women he’d dated always invented reasons not to consummate their relationship. 这是画外音对George“悲惨”恋爱经历的一句总结。Consummate是完婚的意思。2. You seem a little
第四集1. I don’t know you were such a cynic. 我不知道你是这么一个愤世嫉俗的人。cynic,在DH中经常出现的一个词。2. This is an example of how to use incarceration to your benefit. 狱中服刑的Carlos和他的
第三集1. We need to keep a low profile. Betty对儿子说的话。keep a low profile是一个词组,意为保持低调姿态。2. So the flowers were just a ruse. Mike带着鲜花去探望Flecia, Flecia以为Mike杀了Paul, Mike却
第二集1、I just found out my ex is dating my neighbor, and I’m really ticked off. Susan一大清早看到前夫Karl穿着睡袍站在Edie家门口,顿时气不打一出来。tick off, 为某事而生气。2、Because I knew you’d
第二季第1集1. I don’t wanna be one of those kind of woman , you know, sloughing things off onto co-workers because of a pediatrician appointment or a dance recital. I got really neurotic about putti
第十八集1. Blair (to Chuck, after realizing C was slept in her bed): Who? What? When? Where? Why?这究竟是怎么回事?* 一连串的WH。。强。。2. Blair: Before you landed on my bed, we actually landed on a
Now, it used to be,I ran to get where I was going . I never thought it would take me anywhere. 这句话一语双关,anywhere 一词的妙用,即代表任意一个地方,说明阿甘并不善于思考,他正是先本能地采取行动,