听听看看国家地理 Lesson 5:发怒的大象
点击此处下载视频■点击查看参考文本■ We know elephants are highly intelligent. They form complex societies and have rich emotional lives. But something is going terribly wrong with these remarkable2006-03-26 编辑:alex 标签:
听听看看国家地理 Lesson 4:野人的足迹
Background Information:Bigfoot: 北美野人广泛流传于北美洲西北部密林中的一种“野人”,目击者说,这种北美“野人”身躯巨大,身高达1.8~3.0米,平均2.3米,体重达300多公斤,外形似人,能直立行走,也经常在2006-03-26 编辑:alex 标签:
听听看看国家地理 Lesson 3:法老的诅咒
点击此处下载视频■点击查看参考文本■ Background Information:King Tut: King Tutankhamun,图坦卡蒙法老。古埃及最年轻的法老,其死因已经成为千古谜团。对大部分图坦卡门墓的发掘者而言,笼罩在头顶上挥之不去2006-03-26 编辑:alex 标签:
听听看看国家地理 Lesson 2:UFO谜团
点击此处下载视频■点击查看文本■ Throughout human history, they have descended from the sky, bearing wisdom and superior technology. Also its ship. Their ships have apparently been caught on film ag2006-03-26 编辑:alex 标签:
听听看看国家地理 Lesson 1:《达芬奇密码》背后
点击此处下载视频■点击查看文本■ These are extraordinary claims that have a lot of people talking these days because they appear in the best selling book called the Da Vinci’s Code. (1)___________2006-03-26 编辑:alex 标签: