speak volumes
volumes是许多卷书。speak volumes这个词组字面上是“说出好几卷书那么多”,也就是“将……的意义表现得淋漓尽致”的意思,不过通常是指非语言或文字的表达方式。
At monthly meetings of Single Mothers by Choice in New York City,coded name tags speak volumes about the complexities of modern-day parenthood—The letter T indicates the woman is thinking about having a baby on her own. A signals that she is attempting to get pregnant. P announces that she has succeeded. M is for mother.(出自:time,Nov. 8, 1990,p. 76)
纽约市自愿单亲妈妈协会的月会中,标着代码的名牌胜过千言万语,道尽了现代父母亲的复杂面貌。T字母表不正在考虑(thinking)当单亲妈妈;A字母表示在尝试 (attempting)怀孕;P字母表示已经成功怀孕(pregnant) ; M则是已经当妈妈(mother) 了。
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