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小学英语四年级 (下) lesson2:你来自美国吗

来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Lesson Two (man)Are you from America?Lesson Two (woman)Are you from America?
Let's talk A:
Tom, this is Chen.
Tom: Hello, Chen.
Chen: Hello, Tom.
Tom: Are you from America?
Chen: No, I'm from England. What about you?
Tom: I'm from America.
C: I'm from America, too.
Chen: I'm not from America. I'm from England.
Let's learn.
Are you from China?
No, I'm from Japan. America (man) America (woman)England (man) England (woman)
Let's sing
Oh, where is my little black dog?
(man)Oh, where is my little black dog?
(woman)Oh, where? Oh, where is my little black dog? Oh, where? Oh, where can he be? Its ears are short and its tail is long.Oh, where? Oh, where can he be?(sing)
Mr. Fisher's family Mr.Fisher is from America. He is a teacher. I'm from America. I'm a teacher. I work in a school.Mrs. Fisher is from England. She is a nurse. I'm from England. I'm a nurse. I work in a hospital. They have a son and a daughter. Bobby is their son. Jill is their daughter. Bobby is 11. He's a pupil. He is in Grade 5.I'm Bob. I'm 11. I'm a pupil. I'm in Grade 5.Jill is only 4. She isn't a pupil.I'm Jill. I'm only 4. Mr. Fisher's family is a happy family. My name's Millie. I'm only one. I love Mr. Fisher's family.Let's make and talk. Are you from England?No, I'm not. I'm from Japan.
Words in each lesson from, America, England. about, teacher, school. hospital, son, daughter, thei.only, love, family




