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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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灵异故事:茂林路 04
时间:2008-12-5 11:45:27  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Morrow Road 04
茂林路 04

  Now, this information was given to me very quickly, and when my mother stressed to me that she wanted to leave, I nodded to the woman in the nightgown and got into the vehicle. After we began to drive back to the stables, I told my mother what I was given. Until that night, I hadn't really heard of one particular "story" of the haunting, but many that blended together. My mother then told me what she knew of the deaths...it follows.

  "The father was away somewhere and the mother heard the dog barking frantically outside, so she went out to see what was wrong. She found her two kids in the pond, maybe they had drowned, and she froze to death that night. Later, when the dad came home and found them all dead, he stayed outside and froze." That's how she told it to me, and as she spoke the information that I had been "given" made more sense.

  The woman also spoke to me while my mother and I was driving, and asked for me to "set the record straight", so that she could move on. And I'll be honest when I say that I'm not sure exactly what she meant by that or how she'd like me to do it. I intend to do some investigating into the Marine City records, and see how much of the information that I was given is accurate. I, personally, would like to see a picture of the family if possible, just to verify the accuracy for myself. As for my mother, well, she agreed that she'd like to go back at another time (when the weather is warmer) and with more people.






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