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华尔街高级英语 Lesson 1

来源:本站原创 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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华尔街高级英语 Lesson 1

1. Here am I then ready for all those gorgeous housewives sitting, around at home with nothing to do!
2. Geez these things are heavy! I sure hope I manage to sell a few all of them_ soon.
3. Here we are, Chernobyl Avenue. Let’s start with No.1. Oh, it’s an apartment building. Never mind,
4. I’ll start on the top floor and work my way down to the bottom. Excuse me sir, where’s the elevator?
5. You’ve got to be joking, man! There’s no elevator here, You’re going to have to go up the stairs.
6. Oh, I see, thanks.
7. Top floor at last! Gee, that nearly killed me! I guess I should have left the boxed at the bottom. Oh well here we go!
8. Well?
9. Oh!
10. Well, what is it? If it’s the rent I’ll be paying it tomorrow.
11. Hey no, it’s nothing to do with the rent. I’d just like to ask you a few questions.
12. Where the heck…? Sorry, I seem to have lost my bit of paper.
13. What bit of paper? What questions? Bill!
14. What's going on here? Who is this guy?
15. He says he wants to ask us a lot of questions.
16. Who are you? Who sent you here?
17. I was just wondering if you had a washing machine that’s all! It doesn’t matter; I think I’ll be going now.
18. Hey not so fast! Come here
19. I must go! Real nice to have met you! So long!
20. You’d better not come back!
21. Gosh! I better get out of this building as fast as I can.
22. Here we are! I’ve got my list of questions, I’ve got my machines I’m ready to go.






关键字: 原著




