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Unit Six

  义 Everyday Expressions

I eat two apples every day.

I eat to live, but you live to eat.

The acid ate holes in the material.

  生活用语Street Talks
What would you like to eat?
He is eating an ice cream sandwich.
Eat away, boys. There’s enough time yet.
How about we eat out tonight? I don’t feel like cooking.
Damn it! ATM ate my card.
My answering machine ate my message.
Eat well, drink well—and do your duty well.
Eat at pleasure, drink by measure.
A good eater is a happy man.

  义 Everyday Expressions

The play was over before we could fully enjoy it.

We heartily enjoy that game.

Did you enjoy the movie?

Dad enjoys good health.

  生活用语Street Talks
The new play was good—everybody enjoyed it.
I enjoyed myself very much.
Enjoy yourself.
If there were no clouds,we should not enjoy the sun. (有苦方知乐。)
Enjoy good health. (享受健康。)
I enjoy speaking English.
He enjoys many advantages over the others.

  谚语 Proverbs
Prudent men enjoy more conquests than passionate ones.
Rise with the sun and enjoy the day.

  义 Everyday Expressions

I’m expecting a letter from Rocky.

I expect to take a vacation in June.

Mom expects me to obey.

We expect that it will be all right.
  生活用语Street Talks
I hadn’t expected such a big turnout.
When do you expect Andy?
Don’t expect too much of me, George.
My wife is expecting me home at eight.
You can’t expect that something may escape the teacher's attention.
A: Hey Jane, how was your trip?
B: It was great.
A: I expect you’ll want to freshen up after your trip, huh? (休息)
B: I guess you’re right.
The class wasn’t what I had expected.
Are you expecting anybody?
A: My boyfriend just broke up with me. I can’t believe it.
B: Well, what do you expect? You were treating him like shit.

Expect to be treated as you have treated others.
If you sow the wind expect to reap the whirlwind.

  义 Everyday Expressions

Please explain the meaning of this poem.

John explained his delay.

  生活用语Street Talks
Will it be convenient for you to explain your plans to him?
I’m attempting to explain that the modern artist is trying to get across his personal feelings about the world around him.
You needn't explain. (你无须解释。)
It’s really not easy to explain in words.
You’d better go and explain to the teacher.
Son, you’ve got some explanation to do.
Please let me explain.


  义 Everyday Expressions

Do stop fighting boys!

The old man is fighting against the disease.

We have been fighting for freedom.

Tracy has a lot of fight in her.

  生活用语Street Talks
We fought about it and made each other miserable.
What are the boys fighting about?
He gave up without even a fight. (他都不拼一拼,就放弃了)
You have to fight back the urge to go to sleep.
Don’t pick a fight with me, man!
I’m a kongfu master. Today you leave or I leave!
But yourself together and fight back! (振作起来,反击他们!)
You are supposed to fight your way out of trouble.

He who fights and runs away may live to fight another day.
No man can fight his own doom.

  义 Everyday Expressions

How did you get this amount of money?!

Where did you get this sweater?

I went back school to get my book.

Did you get my letter?

I got my leg broken.

We couldn’t get the piano through the door.
Wallace got a cold.

Oliver got home at night.

I got tired.

He ran away before the police could get him.

I don’t get your meaning.

  生活用语Street Talks
Get me a hammer from the kitchen, will you?
Ah! Now I get what you mean.
Carl said he’d been getting a little on the side when his wife was out of town.
A: What a bad mood you’re in, Oliver.
B: Yeah, you said it. I’d say I got out of bed on the wrong side this morning.
A: Mom, I’d like...
B: I’ve had enough of you kids—now, get away! (走开)
A: Jane, how do you get to the Great Wall?
B: Oh, you got me there. (你难住我了,我不知道)
The person who wins gets a grant to study in Sao Paulo.
We got in the car.
Get down from that table, please!
She got on/ got off the train.
York got out of the taxi.
We had to get over many difficulties. (克服)
I’ve got no money with me.
I’ve got to leave right away.
We got caught by the rain. (被雨淋了)
I’m getting going. (我要走了)
I just got off work. (刚下班)

It’s easy to get, but hard to keep what you get.
The angry beggar gets a stone instead of a handout.


  义 Everyday Expressions

I’m going to the station.

go swimming
go hunting
go fishing

I think I must be going now.

I will go mad! (go blind/ go bad)

How are things going?

Has your headache gone yet?

There are only two days to go before the meeting.

  生活用语Street Talks
Should I go this way, or that way?
I’m going out.
Betty went after fame.
Many hours went by.
Let’s go for a walk./Let’s go for a drive. (兜风)
Let’s go in!
Let’s not go into this matter now.
The party went off well.
Let’s go on a little farther.
He went over the document carefully.
Grandpa went through two wars.
This tie goes with this suit.
Jerry went so far as to say that his girlfriend was stupid.
It goes without saying that health is above wealth.
A: I’m going to have to kill you, man!
B: I’m sure you’ve not do that, bastard.

By going gains the mill ,and not by standing still.
Go easy,go slow;if you go fast you may go to hell.
one may as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb.


义 Everyday Expressions

How did it happen?

I happened to meet him.

  生活用语Street Talks
A strange thing happened to me this morning.
What’s happening, Tom?
It so happened that I was in HongKong then.
I happened to overhear their conversation.
Something terrible has happened.
Don’t touch her, she happens to be my girlfriend.

  谚语 Proverbs
Everything happens for the best.
What must happen will happen regardless.
Worse things happen at sea.


  义 Everyday Expressions

Father often hit me on the head.

I hit up my head against the wall.

The typhoon will hit Taipei.

The car terriblly hit against the wall.

Rural areas have been hit by the strike.

The Yen hit a record high in trading today.

It was just a chance hit.

The play(this song) was quite a hit.

  生活用语 Street Talks
I was crossing the street and was almost hit by a car.
Fortunately, I jumped back in time to avoid being hit.
I hit on a good idea/A good idea occurs to me.
The hit on Harry’s head knocked him out.
My answer was a clever hit.
John has been hitting on Jackie all night.
This book will be a big hit. (畅销)
A great idea hit me all of a sudden. (不俗的,奇特的)

A base on balls is as good as a hit.
Never hit a man below the belt.

  义 Everyday Expressions

The mother is holding her baby in her arms.

I held my eyes steadily on Jim.

Peter held the office of president util 2001.

This bottle holds two pints.

I held my breath.

They will hold a meeting tomorrow.

The regulation still holds good.

    Is that chair strong enough to hold you?

How long will this fine weather hold?

He was held prisoner during the war.

I hold that he is a fool.

  生活用语Street Talks
Would you please hold the door open for me?
The cops showed up and told us to hold it down.
Ok, here we go. Hold on to your hat!
I couldn’t hold him back.
Please hold on a minute.
Our oil supplies will not hold out a year.
Hold up your hands!
What’s the holdup? It’ taking too long!
The operator put me on hold.
She put her career on hold, and married John.
I don’t like calling customer service. They always put me on hold. And force me to listen some stupid music.

Prove all things;hold fast that which is good.
Teach your child to hold his tongue;he’ll learn fast enough to speak.


  义 Everyday Expressions

I hurt my foot by jumping over a fence.

The wet weather will hurt the fruits.

Her words hurt me.

My foot still hurts.

My hurt was slight/serious.

It’s a hurt to my pride.

  生活用语Street Talks
Which foot hurts? Is it the left one?
George was seriously hurt in the accident.
I won't hurt you.
What hurt have you done to them?
I was trying to get over my hurt.
I hurt myself playing football.
Quit flicking me! It hurts!
A: I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, VV.
B: But I was very much hurt at your words.


  义 Everyday Expressions

You can keep the book.

Where do you keep your jewels?

Mother keeps a dog.

Father keeps a bookstore.

Keep your word.

Teacher suggests us to keep a diary in English.

The meat won’t keep long.

I kept standing in the train all the way.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Do you wanna know some real juicy gossip about Robert?
B: For sure. But don’t you need to get to keep it under your hat?
I couldn’t keep the appointment because I was sick.
We keep the supplies—pens, paper, etc, in this cabinet.
Keep to the left. (靠左边走)
Keep the aspirin away from the children.
The police had difficulty in keeping back the crowd.
Keep off the grass.
We must study to keep up with the times.
Keep in touch. (保持联系)
He says that this marriage’ll be for keeps. (持久)

Trust in God,and keep your powder dry.
A shut mouth keeps one from strife.


  义 Everyday Expressions

I don’t know what to do next.

How did you know him to be the headmaster?

How should I know?

I know of it, but I don’t know it well.

Do you know him?

  生活用语Street Talks
I didn’t know whether to send the letter airmail or not.
I don’t know if I can stay late.
He is known to everybody.
God knows where he has gone.
I have to wear more. It’s very cold, you know. (不是吗?插入语)
Do you know where David is going to?
How should I know? (我怎么晓得?)
I don't know that I can get up by five o'clock.
You know Beijing Hotel? Well,the bus stop is a few yards farther down the road.
Do you know, I think I'll accept your invitation,in spite of what I said just now.

  谚语 Proverbs
We don’t know when we are well off.
All that we know is that we know nothing.
No one knows what will happen to him the next moment.


  义 Everyday Expressions

The lion killed a zebra.

A long drought killed all the crops.

How can we kill these three hours?

My feet are killing me. (我的脚疼极了)

Illness killed her appetite.

The play was killed by bad revieas.

Kill a light /radio

  生活用语Street Talks
This funny joke almost killed me.
You have to kill a dragon to be famous.
Robert was killed in the car accident.
Wallace killed himself in despair.
It killed me to pay that much, but I had no choice.
It killed me how David completely ignores his wife.
A: I haven’t drunk anything all day long.
B: Me too. I’d kill for a Coke now.
Don’t do that. You’re gonna get yourself killed.

You kill a man if you don’t save your life when you can.
Kill two birds with one stone.
Curiosity killed the cat.


  义 Everyday Expressions

I’ve lost my wallet.

Father constantly lost his temper.

We lost our way.

There is no time to lose.

It’s stupid of you to lose this good opportunity.

My watch loses five minutes a day.

The candidate lost by 200 votes.

  生活用语Street Talks
I cannot find my watch; I must have lost it.
We shouldn't lose heart. We may get another chance.
I always lose at cards, with my bad luck.
English lost to Chinese. (输给)
The doctor lost no time in getting the sick woman to hospital.
A man tried following me, but I lost him. (甩掉某人)
A: Tom’s out of it! Out of it! Oh, Gee!
B: He can’t be serious! Has he lost all his marbles?
He lost it when he heard the bad news. (发脾气)

We don’t know a good thing till we’ve lost it.
Lose a leg rather than your life.
The shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
prisoner ['prizənə]


n. 囚犯

slight [slait]


adj. 轻微的,微小的,纤细的,脆弱的

urge [ə:dʒ]


vt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促
vi. 极力主

rural ['ru:rəl]


adj. 农村的

regulation [.regju'leiʃən]


n. 规则,规章,管理
adj. 规定的,官方

reap [ri:p]


vt. 收割,收获,获得
vi. 收割

delay [di'lei]


v. 耽搁,推迟,延误
n. 耽搁,推迟,延期

spite [spait]


n. 恶意,怨恨
vt. 刁难,伤害

miserable ['mizərəbl]


adj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机


关键字: 六级




