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Part One

1. Hello,Dave.
2. Good afternoon,everyone.
3. Excuse me. Are you Professor Johnson?
4. I'm Karl Smith. This is Mr. Dai.
5. May I have your name,please?
6. How do you do?
7. Nice to meet you!
8. Let me introduce Linda to you!
9. What do you do?
10. How are you this evening?
11. I'm fine. Thank you. How are you doing?
12. Hi,Jenny. What's up?
13. Are you from the U.S.?
14. Are you going to Toronto,too?
15. How was your flight?
16. Good morning,Mr. Johnson. Did you sleep well?
17. Nice talking to you.
18. Have a good day!
19. Keep in touch.
20. See you around.

Part Three

Visiting Friends
(David Smith and his wife,Joanna,go visiting Travis Johnson,S&S's General Man

and his wife,Betty.)
Travis: Welcome! David,we're so glad you could make it.
David: Thank you for inviting us. Uh,Travis,this is my wife,Joanna. .
Joanna: How do you do? I've heard a lot about you.
Travis: How do you do? Oh,and this is my wife,Betty.
Betty: So happy to meet you both.─sit down,just make yourself at home.
D&J: Thank you.
Joanna: What a lovely house!Did you make it yourself,Mrs. Johnson?

Betty : Oh,call me Beth. Yes,I did the decorating…if you can call it tha

t. Actually,I just tried to make it as simple as possible. I don't like a lot o

f frills.
 Jonna: Oh,me,the same! That's why I think it's so beautiful

    (David goes to the airport to meet Joanna's uncle, Dr. Johnson. This is

the first time they meet. )
Dave: Excuse me,are you Dr. Smith?
Dr. Smith: Yes I am. And you...
Dave: I'm David,Joanna's husband. She has to be at work late today. So

she asked
me to pick you up here.
Dr. Smith: So nice to meet you,David. Call me Bill. It's very nice of you to c

ome here.
David: My pleasure.
Alice: Mary,this is Joe's brother David.
Mary: I'm very glad to meet you.
Carl: It's a pleasure to meet you.
Mary: How do you like Texas so far?
Carl: It's really different from what I expected.
Mary: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.

Paul:Julie,is that you?
Julie:Yes. And you're Paul,right?Paul Hill?
Paul:Yes,it's me. And you're Julie Ashley. How are you?
Julie:I'm fine. After ten years,you still look great!
Paul:So do you!How are you doing?
Julie:Not bad. Let's find a table and sit down. We have a lot to talk about.
Paul:Okay,let's sit over there.

Donna: Hi. Sorry I'm late.
Bill: Oh,that's OK. We just got here. Donna,this is my fiancé,Mary. Mary,this is my old friend,Donna. We went to school together.
Mary: Hi,Donna. I'm really glad to meet you.
Donna: Hi,Mary. I've heard a lot about you.
Mary: All good,I hope!
Bill: Donna just got back from California.
Mary: Really? How was it?
Donna: It was fantastic.
Bill: You went with your brother,didn't you?
Donna: Yeah. We saw a lot of California,that's for sure!
Mary: I heard you like golf.
Donna: I love it! We played six different golf courses. Do you play?
Mary: I sure do! How about a game this weekend?
Bill: Uh-oh. I was afraid of this.
Part Four

1. “You, Dave!”
2. Hey, man.
3. Zup?(What's up?)
4. Later!
5. Call me!
6. Nice chatting with you!
7. Howdy!
8. Pleasure.
9. Catch you later!
10. Enjoy!
11. Hey, brother.
12. Hey, dog.
13. What up, girl.
14. Talk to you.
15. see, yeah!

You're bound to feel that way at first,I guess.一开始总会有点儿这样的感觉的,我想。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼

inviting [in'vaitiŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,诱人的 动词invite的现在分词

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的


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