Unit 345
I've had enough of work for today.
I've had enough of work today.工作做够了,做烦了。
Why don't we go to a movie?
I'm game. 相当于I agree.
Why don't we go take in a movie? take in欣赏,吸收
Let's take in a movie. Let's take in a game.
I'm game.
game 作游戏讲时,前要用a,当可数名词. Let's play a game.
When I say I'm game(猎物), I think I'm a deer.
You see a lot of games over there. games猎物总称
We're going to the movies, would you like to go to?
I'm game.
go to the movies 固定用法,movies要用复数
go to a movie 单数
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