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有声名著之双城记 Book 03 Chapter08

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Miss Pross recalled soon afterwards, and to the end of her life remembered, that as she pressed her hands on Sydney's arm and looked up in his face, imploring him to do no hurt to Solomon, there was a braced purpose in the arm and a kind of inspiration in the eyes, which not only contradicted his light manner, but changed and raised the man. She was too much occupied then with fears for the brother who so little deserved her affection, and with Sydney's friendly reassurances, adequately to heed what she observed.

They left her at the corner of the street, and Carton led the way to Mr. Lorry's, which was within a few minutes' walk. John Barsad, or Solomon Pross, walked at his side.

Mr. Lorry had just finished his dinner, and was sitting before a cheery little log or two of fire--perhaps looking into their blaze for the picture of that younger elderly gentleman from Tellson's, who had looked into the red coals at the Royal George at Dover, now a good many years ago. He turned his head as they entered, and showed the surprise with which he saw a stranger.

`Miss Pross's brother, sir,' said Sydney. `Mr. Barsad.'

`Barsad?' repeated the old gentleman, `Barsad? I have an association with the name-and with the face.'

`I told you you had a remarkable face, Mr. Barsad,' observed Carton, coolly `Pray sit down.'

As he took a chair himself he supplied the link that Mr. Lorry wanted, by saying to him with a frown, `Witness at that trial.' Mr. Lorry immediately remembered, and regarded his new visitor with an undisguised look of abhorrence.

`Mr. Barsad has been recognised by Miss Pross as the affectionate brother you have heard of' said Sydney, `and has acknowledged the relationship. I pass to worse news. Darnay has been arrested again.'

Struck with consternation, the old gentleman exclaimed, `What do you tell me I left him safe and free within these two hours, and am about to return to him!'

`Arrested for all that. When was it done, Mr. Barsad?'

`Just now, if at all.'

`Mr. Barsad is the best authority possible, sir,' said Sydney, `and I have it from Mr. Barsad's communication to a friend and brother Sheep over a bottle of wine, that the arrest has taken place. He left the messengers at the gate, and saw them admitted by the porter. There is no earthly doubt that he is retaken.'

Mr. Lorry's business eye read in the speaker's face that it was loss of time to dwell upon the point. Confused, but sensible that something might depend on his presence of mind, he commanded himself and was silently attentive.

`Now, I trust,' said Sydney to him, `that the name and influence of Doctor Manette may stand him in as good stead to-morrow you said he would be before the Tribunal again to-morrow, Mr. Barsad?---'

`Yes; I believe so.'

`--In as good stead to-morrow as to-day. But it may not be so. I own to you, I am shaken, Mr. Lorry, by Doctor Manette's not having had the power to prevent this arrest.

`He may not have known of it beforehand,' said Mr. Lorry. `But that very circumstance would be alarming, when we remember how identified he is with his son-in-law.'

`That's true,' Mr. Lorry acknowledged, with his troubled hand at his chin, and his troubled eyes on Carton.

`In short,' said Sydney, `this is a desperate time, when desperate games are played for desperate stakes. Let the Doctor play the winning game; I will play the losing one. No man's life here is worth purchase. Any one carried home by the people to-day, may be condemned to-morrow. Now, the stake I have resolved to play for, in case of the worst, is a friend in the Conciergerie. And the friend I purpose to myself to win, is Mr. Barsad.'

`You need have good cards, sir,' said the spy.

`I'll run them over. I'll see what I hold.--Mr. Lorry, you know what a brute I am; I wish you'd give me a little brandy.'

It was put before him, and he drank off a glassful--rank off another glassful--pushed the bottle thoughtfully away.

`Mr. Barsad,' he went one `in the tone of one who really was looking over a hand at cards: `Sheep of the prisons, emissary of Republican committees, now turnkey, now prisoner, always spy and secret informer, so much the more valuable here for being English that an Englishman is less open to suspicion of subornation in those characters than a Frenchman, represents himself to his employers under a false name. That's a very good card. Mr. Barsad, now in the employ of the republican French government, was former!y in the employ of the aristocratic English government, the enemy of France and freedom. That's an excellent card. Inference clear as day in this region of suspicion, that Mr. Barsad, still in the pay of the aristocratic English government, is the spy of Pitt, the treacherous foe of the Republic crouching in its bosom, the English traitor and agent of all mischief so much spoken of and so difficult to find. That's a card not to be beaten. Have you followed my hand, Mr. Barsad?'

`Not to `understand your play,' returned the spy, somewhat uneasily.

`I play my Ace, Denunciation of Mr. Barsad to the nearest Section Committee. Look over your hand, Mr. Barsad, and see what you have. Don't hurry.'

He drew the bottle near, poured out another glassful of brandy, and drank it off. He saw that the spy was fearful of his drinking himself into a fit state for the immediate denunciation of him. Seeing it, he poured out and drank another glassful.

Look over your hand carefully, Mr. Barsad. Take time.' It was a poorer hand than he suspected. Mr. Barsad saw losing cards in it that Sydney Carton knew nothing of. Thrown out of his honourable employment in England, through too much unsuccessful hard swearing there--not because he was not wanted there: our English reasons for vaunting our superiority to secrecy and spies are of very modern date--he knew that he had crossed the Channel, and accepted service in France: first, as a tempter and an eavesdropper among his own countrymen there: gradually, as a tempter and an eavesdropper among the natives. He knew that under the overthrown government he had been a spy upon Saint Antoine and Defarge's wine-shop; had received from the watchful police such heads of information concerning Doctor Manette's imprisonment, release, and history, as should serve him for an introduction to familiar conversation with the Defarges; and tried them on Madame Defarge, and had broken down with them signally. He always remembered with fear and trembling, that that terrible woman had knitted when he talked with her, and had looked ominously at him as her fingers moved. He had since seen her, in the Section of Saint Antoine, over and over a gain produce her knitted registers, and denounce people whose lives the guillotine then surely swallowed up. He knew, as every one employed as he was did, that he was never safe; that flight was impossible; that he was tied fast under the shadow of the axe; and that in spite of his utmost tergiversation and treachery in furtherance of the reigning terror, a word might bring it down upon him. Once denounced, and on such grave grounds as had just now been suggested to his mind, he foresaw that the dreadful woman of whose unrelenting character he had seen many proofs, would produce against him that fatal register, and would quash his last chance of life. Besides that all secret men are men soon terrified, here were surely cards enough of one black suit, to justify the holder in growing rather livid as he turned them over.

`You scarcely seem to like your hand,' said Sydney, with the greatest composure. `Do you play?'

`I think, sir,' said the spy, in the meanest manner, as he turned to Mr. Lorry, `I may appeal to a gentleman of your years and benevolence, to put it to this other gentleman, so much your junior, whether he can under any circumstances reconcile it to his station to play that Ace of which he has spoken. I admit that I am a spy, and that it is considered a discreditable station--though it must be filled by somebody; but this gentleman is no spy, and why should he so demean himself as to make himself one?'

`I play my Ace, Mr. Barsad,' said Carton, taking the answer on himself, and looking at his watch, `without any scruple in a very few minutes.'

`I should have hoped, gentlemen both,' said the spy, always striving to hook Mr. Lorry into the discussion, `that your respect for my sister---'

`I could not better testify my respect for your sister than by finally relieving her of her brother,' said Sydney Carton.

`You think not, sir?'

`I have thoroughly made up my mind about it.'

The smooth manner of the spy, curiously in dissonance with his ostentatiously rough dress, and probably with his usual demeanour, received such a check from the inscrutability of Carton,--who was a mystery to wiser and honester men than he,--that it faltered here and failed him. While he was at a loss, Carton said, resuming his former air of contemplating cards:

`And indeed, now I think again, I have a strong impression that I have another good card here, not yet enumerated. That friend and fellow-Sheep, who spoke of himself as pasturing in the country prisons; who was he?'

`French. You don't know him,' said the spy quickly.

`French, eh!' repeated Carton, musing, and not appearing to notice him at all, though he echoed his word. `Well; he may be.'

`Is, I assure you,' said the spy; `though it's not important.' `Though it's not important,' repeated Carton in the same mechanical way--'though it's not important No, it's not important. No. Yet I know the face.'

`I think not. I am sure not. It can't be,' said the spy.

`It--can't--be,' muttered Sydney Carton, retrospectively, and filling his glass (which fortunately was a small one) again. `Can't--be. Spoke good French. Yet like a foreigner, I thought?'

`Provincial,' said the spy.

`No. Foreign!' cried Carton, striking his open hand on the table, as a light broke clearly on his mind. `Cly! Disguised, but the same man. We had that man before us at the Old Bailey.'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
earthly ['ə:θli]


adj. 地球的,俗世的,可能的

unconscious [ʌn'kɔnʃəs]


adj. 失去知觉的

release [ri'li:s]


n. 释放,让渡,发行
vt. 释放,让与,准

valuable ['væljuəbl]


adj. 贵重的,有价值的
n. (pl.)贵

disappointing [.disə'pɔintiŋ]


adj. 令人失望的 动词disappoint的现在分词

remarkable [ri'mɑ:kəbl]


adj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的

fatal ['feitl]


adj. 致命的,毁灭性的,决定性的

arrest [ə'rest]


vt. 逮捕,拘留
n. 逮捕,拘留

invariably [in'vɛəriəbli]


adv. 不变化地,一定不变地,常常地

trial ['traiəl]


adj. 尝试性的; 审讯的
n. 尝试,努力





