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60秒科学:Antioxidants and Male Fertility

时间:2009-06-10 13:30:54 来源:可可英语 编辑:echo  每天三分钟英语轻松学

Guys, here’s another reason to eat your veggies: they might be good for your sperm. Some studies show that male fertility and what’s called seminal quality have declined over the last few decades. So researchers from two fertility clinics in Spain looked at the reproductive power of fruits and vegetables. The scientists have spent the past four years analyzing diet and possible exposure to workplace contaminants in men with fertility problems.

One effort examined the effects that antioxidants might have on sperm. The researchers hypothesized that antioxidants could lower the oxidative stress that can harm sperm. More antioxidants could theoretically improve both sperm concentration and motility.

The study enrolled 61 men from couples with fertility problems. Thirty of the men were shown to have sperm problems. The other 31 one acted as the control. Interviews revealed that the males with good semen quality ate significantly more fruits and vegetables—their diets were higher in vitamins and antioxidants in general. The study appears in the journal Fertility and Sterility. The researchers say this finding suggests that healthy diets lead to healthy sperm. So remember, guys, an apple a day keeps your swimmers in play.

—Cynthia Graber


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