Reduction of Your Tension
Alternate tasks blocking out an entire day or week for a high-priority project increases your anxiety without boosting your productivity -in fact, you may lose perspective and focus. You need to create a rhythm to your work to recharge.Every 60 to 90 minutes, take a break from your primary activity to do something different for 15 minutes. If you've been reading at your desk, walk into someone's office to brainstorm on another project. Don't worry about breaking your concentration. You'll return to your task refreshed and determined.
Shake a leg, regular exercise is critical to stress management, and mini workouts during the day can release pent-up energy. Most people tend to neglect some exercise which you can actually do everyday, such as walk to your or someone's office instead of taking the elevator stand up and stretch your back and neck muscles while you are on the phone, and so on.
Straighten up your desk, rearranging pencils may not be a form of procrastination. after all. It has been proved that tiding your desk is one of the most common, and effective ways workers calm and focus themselves. Organizing helps reduce tension and get into a productive frame of mind.