1.humility [hju:'militi] n. 谦逊, 谦虚, 谦卑
Humility in the wake of all those great American architects of our history who have stood here before me.
我谦卑是因为在我之前, 许多美国历史上伟大的建设者们都曾经在这里发过言;
2.innate ['in'eit] adj. 天生的,固有的
Ability is not innate, but comes through practice.
本事不是天生的, 是锻炼出来的。
3.reinforce vt. 加强,增援 vi. 得到加强
Any good speaker should be able to reinforce his argument with facts.
4.illustrate vt. 举例说明,作图解 vi. 举例
He pointed at the diagram to illustrate his point.
5.flatter vt.& vi. 阿谀奉承, 取悦, 炫耀 n. 平整工具
This photograph flatters you.